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专 业 英 语 教 案 1 What is Optics(什么是光) Mankind has always been fascinated with light, thinking of it in ancient times as an uncontrollable, mystical force of nature. Science unraveled some of its mysteries as the inventions of mirrors, spectacles, and later microscopes and telescopes revealed to mankind how light can be tailored to help people in their daily lives and in exploration, physically through the world and intellectually through science. unraveled vt. 阐明, 解决 reveal vt. 展现, 显示, 揭示, 暴露 tailor n. 裁缝;vt. 剪裁, 缝制(衣服)~, 适应, 适合 人类总被光迷住,在古代一种无法控制的神秘的自然力量。科学阐明神秘镜子,眼镜和显微镜和望远镜帮助人们的日常生活身体上通过世界和智力通过科学。Optics is the study of light and vision in science and engineering. Light is generally defined as the sector of the electromagnetic spectrum between the infrared and ultraviolet sectors that can be seen with the unaided eye. 光学是在科学和工程方面光和视的研究。光一般Optics plays an influential role in our lives: 光学在我们的生活:When you look into a mirror in the morning to comb your hair, when you see a rainbow after it rains, in medical devices that save lives, as you read this page, as you see, optics is at work. 当你早晨一面镜子读这如你所见Through these lessons, we hope to give you at least a peek peek vi. 偷看;窥视;偷偷的一看, 一瞥 我们希望通过这些into geometrical optics; geometrical adj. 几何学的, 几何的 对几何光学into physical optics; 对物理光学into the dual nature of light and past and current theories on it; 光学在过去和现代理论中的二重性 into lenses and mirrors; 对透镜和into optical instruments; 对光学仪器into experiments that led to breakthroughs in the study of optics; breakthrough n. 突破;突破性的发现,成就 对在光学的研究过程中突破的实验;into how optics affects our daily lives and how it will affect the future. 光学日常生活影响 2 The Dual Nature of Light(光的二重性) The nature of light has been a controversy debated throughout the course of history. Two models evolved: the wave model and the particle model. Each model has taken an important dominating place, but neither has been disproved completely. Therefore, the scientific community has combined the two theories to form the wave partic


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