冯雷超 论《红楼梦》中妙玉形象 点评二.doc

冯雷超 论《红楼梦》中妙玉形象 点评二.doc

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邯郸学院成人 高等教育本科毕业论文 题 目 论《红楼梦》中妙玉形象 学 生 冯雷超 指导教师 张 延副教授 年 级 2010级专升本 专 业 汉语言文学 二级学院 中文系 (系、部) 邯郸学院继续教育学院中文系 2012年7月   郑重声明 本人的毕业论文是在指导教师张延的指导下独立撰写完成的。如有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权的行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,直至法律责任,并愿意通过网络接受公众的监督。特此郑重声明。                   毕业论文作者(签名): 年 月 日 ? 摘 要 通过对《红楼梦》中妙玉的性格、“爱情”与结局的研究与分析,让我们认识了这么一位端庄、冷艳、孤傲并且有些许洁癖的女尼。她有闭月羞花之貌,她有让众人嫉妒的才华,然而她的出身、她所处的环境,造就了她被扭曲的怪僻性格。也正是她的这种性格,使她的为人处事处处显得不合时宜。不过她敢于打破世俗的常规戒律,敢于在含蓄中表达自己的朦胧的爱情,去追求正常人的生活,还是给世人以鼓舞,可一个人不可能超越她所处的历史阶段而存在,因此,妙玉最后仍是以悲剧结束自己的生命。这也给世人以警示:人总不能脱离社会而生存,要学会生存,就要学会与别人同流合污。 关键词 《红楼梦》 妙玉 悲剧 talk about the image of MiaoYu in 《Dream of Red Mansions》 Zhang Yan Abstract Take off the research and analysis of personality, love and final outcome of Miaoyu in 《Dream of Red Mansions》 .Letting us knowing such a nun who is dignified and cold gorgeous, and have the propensity for cleanness, she has already shut a month to disgrace the looks of flower, she has already let public envy artistic talent.However her borning , she accomplished the strange personality and soul that she is distorted the environment of place, is exactly also her this kind of personality, make her behaviour and manner in dealing with others seem to be unpopular in everywhere, however she presumes the normal regulations regulations of breaking the customs and presume at reserved in express own love of hazy type, pursue the normal persons life, still give people encourage in the world, but a person is not likely to outstrip her place of history stage but exist, therefore, finally Miaoyu still finish her own life by tragedy.This also gives people in this world the caution:The person always can not escape from a society but exist, learn existence, He should learn to deal with bad example of others before learn to live. Key words 《Dream of Red Mansions》 Miao Yu Tragedy 目 录 摘 要 外文页 一、妙玉的性格以及由此所引起的人们对她的误解 (一) 误会——嫌贫爱富 (二) 误会——没有感情 (三) 误会——不守清规戒律 二


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