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(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 网上拍卖系统的设计与实现 摘 要 网络商机无处不在,随着国外网络拍卖如火如荼地持续发烧发热下来,网络原先B2C企业对消费者的交易商业模块转变为C2C消费者对消费者的形态。网络不光成为企业的扩展地,更成为个体户的新热点。而网上拍卖可以说是将现实生活中的实际竞标现场,搬到网络平台上,在虚拟的卖场中创造真实的赚钱交易。也就是将要销售的东西,刊登到专门的拍卖网站上面,产品不论新旧,起标价格自定。在你设定的竞标日期当中,只要你的产品是符合需求的,那么自然会有人上门来竞标。竞标到期之后,由最高出价者得标,进行流程十分简便。 本文研究了基于PHP技术的网上拍卖系统前台模块实现中的主要问题及其算法处理,分析了网上拍卖系统模式、流程、功能、文件流程结构及其实现构想,对系统数据库设计进行了简要概述,并全面介绍了如何建立一个拍卖网站的方法。本次开发的网上拍卖系统共有会员模块、物品登记与修改模块、物品浏览与查找模块、竞价平台模块、会员天地模块、留言与投诉模块共六个模块。系统采用“PHP+Apache+MYSQL”作为开发平台。系统面对用户的WEB界面采用B/S结构,是一个动态、交互式、具有在线拍卖、商品提供和会员管理等功能的C2C拍卖网站。本文还提出了研究的展望,希望对正在进行或拟进行拍卖电子商务网站开发的商家有所借鉴。 关键词 电子商务;网上拍卖;C2C Title The design and implementation of online auction system Abstract Networking opportunities are everywhere, along with foreign online auction fever fever in full swing down, the network was originally B2C business to consumer transactions C2C consumer business modules into shape for consumers. Not only the expansion of the network to become more self-employed to become the new hot spot. The online auction can be said to be in real life the actual bidding site, moved on the network platform, to create a real money trading of virtual stores. That is going to sell something, to be published at a special auction site, whether new products, from standard price custom. Among the bid date you set, as long as your product is in line with demand, then someone will come to bid. After the bid expires, the bid by the highest bidder, for process is very simple. This paper studies the online auction PHP technology systems in the foreground module and algorithm processing based on the main issues, analysis of the online auction system models, processes, functions, file structure and processes to achieve conception, the system provides a brief overview of database design, and comprehensive description of how to build an auction site approach. The development of the online auction system total membership module, goods registration and modification module, articles browsing and searching


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