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重庆科技学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 学 院 机械与动力工程学院 专业班级 2012 年月日 注 意 事 项 1.设计(论文)的内容包括: 1)封面(按教务处制定的标准封面格式制作)中文摘要(300字左右)、关键词 外文摘要、关键词 目次页(附件不统一编入) 论文主体部分:引言(或绪论)、正文、结论参考文献附录(对论文支持必要时)电动平车样机的设计。 在本次的设计过程中,针对电动平车这一设计任务,进行了电动平车车架的设计、车轮的选用、传动系统的设计、行走机构的设计、电缆卷筒的选用等工作。在整个设计过程中,有三个设计重点。第一:车轮的选用。车轮虽是标件,但车轮的选用是进行后面设计工作的基础,所以首先应确定出车轮的相关参数,尤其是车轮的直径。第二:传动系统的设计。在设计过程中,共提出了两种传动系统的设计方案,并利用三维建模对两种传动方案进行了比较,最终根据安装的合理性选择了第二种传动系统的设计方案。第三:行走机构的设计。在这块的设计中,进行了主动轮轴和从动轮轴的设计工作,同时对主动轮轴进行了校核工作。为进一步检验主动轮轴的强度是否符合要求,利用对主动轮轴进行了有限元分析。 关键词:电动平车 车架 传动系统 行走机构 ABSTRACT Electric flat car is an electric transport vehicle in rail factory, used in the workshop of the products across the transportation. It is simple in structure, easy to use, easy to maintain, carrying capacity, low pollution etc. It is widely used in mechanical manufacturing and metallurgical enterprise of the production workshop, as workshop internal transport heavy with a cross. This article is under the widely read and research, and on the basis of production practice from the scene to finish the 50T electric flat car prototype design. In the design process, aim at the electric flat car task to finish the design of the electric flat car, such as its wheel frame, the frame of transmission system, the wheel system, the choice of the cable drum. There are three points include in the design process. First: the selection of the wheel. The wheel is the bid, but the selection of the wheel is the basis of design work behind, so first should determine the related parameters of the wheels, especially the diameter of the wheel. The second: transmission system design. In the design process, there are two transmission design scheme of the system, and compared the two transmission schemes by using 3d modeling, and according to installation, we chose the second. Third: the design of the walk institutions .In this design, we will do the active wheel and


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