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硕士学位论文 VPLS网络拓扑发现机制及配置自动化的研究与实现自1997年4月IETF成立的MPLS标准化工作组最终确定MPLS(Multiprotocol Label Switching)这个术语至今,MPLS领域内各种技术得到了长足的发展,同时也提出了更高的需求。最初只是为了提高路由器的转发速度而提出的一个协议,但随着硬件技术的进步,采用ASIC和NP进行转发的高速路由器和三层交换机得到广泛应用,提高转发速度的初衷已经没有意义。但是,MPLS支持多层标签和面向连接的特点,使得其在VPN、流量工程(TE)、QoS等方面得到广泛应用。VPLS(Virtual Private LAN Service)便是作为MPLS在VPN中点到多点的一种应用。它能够将跨域的虚拟专用网的用户,通过运营商网络进行连接,使各用户站点的连接效果像是在同一个局域网内部一样。 以太网技术的高速发展、分组业务比例的迅速增高,运营商在可扩展性、多业务、质量和经济性上有了更高的需求,PTN应运而生。IETF模型中点到多点的VPLS与MEF模型的E-LAN和E-Tree相对应,成为PTN关键技术之一。 本文主要研究VPLS网络中的Martini方式,并针对现有的实现和需求,在拓扑发现和自动化配置方面进行了技术的改进。同时结合一篇个人专利,在已有改进方案的基础上提供了更加丰富的QoS和业务区分的服务,对VPLS已有的一些不足进行了改进。目前,绝大多数通信厂家已经能够支持MPLS主要业务,故在VPLS已经渐进成熟并广泛应用的今天,本篇论文所提出的技术解决方案更具有实际价值。 MPLS,VPN,PTN,VPLS,Martini Abstract While a new standardized workgroup of IETF was established since April 1997, the term of MPLS was also confirmed, and the technique of MPLS got a substantial development and more needs were required at the same time. At the very beginning, MPLS was just a protocol using for elevating the speed of router forwarding, however, with the improvement of hardware technique, Layer-3 Switcher using ASIC and NP for forwarding is widely used. Nowadays, for its unique feature, MPLS specialize in VPN, TE and QoS. VPLS is the multi-peers MPLS in VPN. It can make user sites connection in the same LAN by SP network for multi-as user. With the high speed development of Ethernet Technology and the rise of packet service proportion, more needs were required in expand, business,quality and economic for SP, PTN came into being. The multi-peers VPLS in IETF mode is one of the most key PTN techniques, with contrary to E-Lan and E-Tree in MEF mode. This thesis mainly studies the Martini VPLS network, and makes technical improvement in topology discovery and automatic configuration in terms of existing realization and needs. At the same time, it provides more affluent QoS and business distinguish service, and makes some improvement for disadvantages of VPLS based on the existing improveme


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