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毕业论文 题 目:混和动力汽车结构、原理及发展前景研究 学 院: 郑州华信学院机电工程学院 专 业: 汽车运用技术 班 级: 11级汽车班 学 号: 1102020143 学生姓名: 薛海锋 指导老师: 梁俊峰 完成日期: 2014年5月10日 混和动力汽车结构、原理及发展前景研究 摘 要 当前,全球能源和环境问题日益突出,有关资料表明,目前已探明的石油储量,如果按照现在的开采速度,仅够人类使用50-60年,近年来油价不断攀升,世界进入一个高油价时期。作为不可再生资源的石油随着汽车业的发展显得捉襟见肘,而传统内燃机汽车排放的废气对自然环境的污染也日益困扰着地球人。为此,各国政府和汽车公司纷纷开展新型高效节能汽车的研究与开发,对此设计有很多方案,例如氢能源汽车、燃料电池汽车、太阳能汽车、混合动力汽车等。但以目前的条件和实用性来看,具备商业化运作条件的只有混合动力汽车(Hybrid Electric Vehicle,简称HEV)。混合动力汽车(亦称复合动力汽车,英文为Hybrid Power Automobile)是指车上装有两个以上动力源:蓄电池、燃料电池、太阳能电池、内燃机车的发电机组,当前复合动力汽车一般是指内燃机车发电机,再加上蓄电池的汽车。混合动力汽车的问世给人类生活带来了诸多好处,不仅石油耗减少了,环境也得以改善。下面就来对混合动力汽车做一些详细分析介绍。 关键词:新能源汽车 HEV 结构 原理 发展前景 Mixed electric vehicle structure, the principle and the development foreground research Abstract Nonce,Global energy and environment problem increasingly,Relevant data show that, At present its proven oil reserves,If according to the present mining speed,Only enough humans use 50-60 years.In recent years rising oil prices,The world into a period of high oil prices.As a nonrenewable resources with the development of the auto industry oil appears to their knees.While the traditional internal combustion engine air pollution from cars to the natural environment pollution is also increasingly beset the earth person.For this,Governments and car companies have high efficiency and energy saving for a new car research and development,This design has many schemes .For example,Hydrogen energy vehicles,Fuel cell vehicles,Solar car,Hybrid Electric Vehicle.But with the current conditions and practical and see,Have the commercialized operation conditions of the only a Hybrid Electric Vehicle(HEV).HEV are equipped with refers to two or more power supply:battery,Fuel cells,Solar cells,Internal combustion engines generator sets.The current composite power car general is to point to internal-combustion engine car generator,Plus the battery cars.HEV to the introduction of the human l


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