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Group X 2014.11 The simpler, the better. The impact of foreign trade on Chinese income distribution The status and performance of China’s income gap The impact of foreign trade on Chinese income distribution Analysis of the influence of international trade on income distribution based on S-S theorem Content Group X Part 1 The status and performance of China’s income gap Group X The Gene coefficient The status and performance of China’s income gap Group X 1997-2012年中国基尼指数 The performance of China’s income gap Group X 1.Urban and rural residents income gap is to expand all-round trend. 2.Chinas income gap between all industries significantly increased. 3.Inter regional income gap enlargement. The status and performance of China’s income gap Eastern and Western Regions’ per capita disposable income difference Group X 1992~2004年东西部地区人均可支配收入差异 The status and performance of China’s income gap Urban residents’ per capita disposable income growth Group X 2012年31省份前3季度城镇居民人均可支配收入增速 The status and performance of China’s income gap Part 2 The impact of foreign trade on income distribution Group X The impact of foreign trade on income distribution Group X 206 Billion Dollars 2.6 Trillion Dollars 126 Times Group X 1978-2008年我国基尼系数变动趋势 The impact of foreign trade on income distribution The rapid development of Chinas foreign trade has long-term positive relationship with the expansion of income gap, foreign trade contributed to Chinas income inequality. Part 3 Analysis of the influence based on S-S theorem Group X Group X Analysis of the influence based on S-S theorem Stolper-Samuelson theorem The abundant resource that fosters comparative advantage realizes an increase in income, and the scarce resource realizes a decrease in its income, regardless of industry. That means some people will suffer losses from free trade. Group X Multi-angle analysis Analysis of the influence based on S-S theorem The perspective of urban and rural areas. The
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