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干 细 胞 总 论 (GENERAL IDEA ON STEM CELLS) 一、干细胞的概念 三、干 细 胞 的 类 型 (续) by potential sources for stem cells: Embryonic stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst (a very early embryo). Adult stem cells stem cells found in adult tissues are referred to as adult stem cells. certain tissues of the body, from post- embryonic development through the normal life of any organism, require stem cells for normal turnover and repair. a good example is blood, but this is true for muscle and other connective tissue as well, and may be true for at least some nervous system cells. Cell Cycle and Stem Cell Self Renewal or Differentiation Although it is still not clear what controls the decision to either self-renew or differentiate, or how the fate of a differentiating daughter cell is determined, the regulation of the cell cycle appears to play a key role in these processes. The eukaryotic cell cycle consists of alternating rounds of DNA replication (S phase) and cell division (M phase) separated by the gap phases G1 and G2 . Progression through the cell cycle depends on cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)-mediated phosphorylation events In early G1, D-type cyclins are synthesized and partner with Cdk4 And Cdk6. Late G1 is characterized by E-type cyclin expression and Cdk2 activity. The activation of these kinases results in the phosphorylation of crucial regulators of cell-cycle progression, such as pRb, which liberates activating E2Fs to drive S-phase entry. The crucial role for CDK activation in the decision to commit to cell division indicates the importance of finely tuned mechanisms by which to modulate these kinases. Indeed, in addition to the regulated synthesis and destruction of cyclins, Cdk activity can be adjusted by other mechanisms, including phosphorylation and direct regulation by a class of proteins known as cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs). miRNAs link to stem cells biology Micro-RNAs (mi-


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