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Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 1. 1999年比利时的“二噁英” (Dioxin )事件 2. 2000年英国的“口蹄疫”(Aftosa )事件 3. 2003年我们亲身经历的“非典” ( SAS)事件 4. 2004年让我们后怕的“禽流感”(bird flu )事件 5. 2005年啤酒甲醛风波(formaldehyde ) 6. 2006年北京 “福寿螺致病” (Golden apple snail)事件 7. 2008年震惊全国的“三鹿奶粉” (Melamine )事件 8. …… Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 Carcinogen n. 致癌物质 Aflatoxin n. 黄曲霉毒素 Herbal n. 草药的 Alkaloid n. 生物碱 Rancidity n.酸败 Colorant n. 着色剂 Toxicological adj. 毒物学的 ADI 每日摄入量 WHO, FAO, FDA, EPA, FTC, FCC Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 The question, “Is the food safe?”, usually evokes an emotional response. Everybody has a right to a safe and wholesome food supply. Yet the question of food safety is a complicated one. Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 The concept of food safety has many facets. Perhaps the most obvious, and certainly the most prevalent problem of food safety is microbiological food poisoning. This is a serious problem in nearly every country, but another aspect of food safety is primarily concerned with chemicals. Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 food poisoning:illness caused by bacteria or other toxins in food, typically with vomiting (呕吐)and diarrhea(腹泻). 慢性中毒 急性中毒 酒精中毒 细菌性食物中毒 一氧化碳中毒 集体性食物中毒 Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 Some chemicals should be there and some should not. Chemicals in our food supply come from six sources. These are industrial accidents, intentional fraud, natural compounds, food additives, pesticides, and environmental pollutants. All require a different concept of food safety a different approach. Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 The problem of industrial accidents is difficult and complex. In our technological society there will always be accidents. We have to gear our laws and responses so that these unfortunate occurrences are minimized. Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读 Toxicants occurring naturally in foods are not subject to regulatory control, and many would not receive approval if they were proposed as food additives at the levels in which they occur. Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读


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