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第35卷第8期                      哈  尔  滨  工  程  大  学  学  报                    Vol.35 №.8 2014年8月                    Journal of Harbin Engineering University                       Aug.2014 钢结构厚板及其对接焊缝Z 向性能试验 王元清,张元元,石永久 (清华大学土木工程系,土木工程安全与耐久教育部重点实验室,北京 100084) 摘  要:为了研究钢结构厚板及其对接焊缝Z 向的拉伸性能和冲击韧性,对4种不同厚度的钢厚板,采用V形缺口对接 连接,沿钢板母材、焊缝及热影响区的X 向和Z 向分别进行取样,进行单轴拉伸和冲击试验。 试验表明,随着板厚的增 加,材料的拉伸性能和冲击韧性变差;热影响区的拉伸及冲击性能比母材要差;焊缝金属的脆性比母材X 向的明显。 所 以,在钢结构厚板的工程实践中,应特别注意厚板由于对接焊缝引起的Z 向性能不足。 关键词:钢结构厚板;Z 向性能;单轴拉伸试验;冲击韧性试验;对接焊缝;板厚 doi:10.3969/ j.issn.1006⁃7043.201305068 网络出版地址:http:/ / kcms/ doi/ 10.3969/ j.issn.1006⁃7043.201305068.html 中图分类号:TU391  文献标志码:A  文章编号:1006⁃7043(2014)08⁃0936⁃06 Experimental study on the Z⁃direction properties of the steel thick plate and its butt weld WANG Yuanqing,ZHANG Yuanyuan,SHI Yongjiu (Key Laboratoryof CivilEngineeringSafety andDurabilityof ChinaEducationMinistry,Departmentof CivilEngineering,TsinghuaU⁃ niversity,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract:In order to study the Z⁃direction tensile and impact properties of the steel thick plate and its butt weld, the Charpy V⁃notch and uniaxial tensile sampleswere taken from the base metal,weld metal and the heat affected zone of four different thick plateswith V⁃shaped butt welds. Then the simple tensile test and impact test were per⁃ formed. The experimental results indicate that the tensile and impact properties decrease with the increase of the thickness,the Z⁃direction propertiesof theheat affectedzone areworsethanthose of thebase metal,andtheweld is more brittle than theX⁃direction of the base metal. Specifically,special attention should be paid to theZ⁃direc⁃ tion deficiency from the butt weld with the engineering practice of the steel thick plate. Keywords:steel thick plate;Z⁃direction properties;uniaxial tensile test; Charpy impact test;b



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