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骨干骨折 B 型骨折:粉碎的楔形骨折 B 型骨折的分组: B1 = 螺旋 楔形 B2 = 屈曲 楔形 B3 = 多段 楔形 骨干骨折 C 型骨折:粉碎的复杂骨折 C 骨折的分组: C1 = 复杂,螺旋形 C2 = 复杂,节段 C3 = 复杂,不规则 骨骺端/干骺端骨折 这是节段 1 和 3 的骨折 谨记: A = 关节外 B = 部分关节内 C = 完全关节内 骨骺端/干骺端骨折 A1 = 干骺端 简单 A2 = 干骺端 楔形 A3 = 干骺端 复杂 A1 A2 A3 骨骺端/干骺端骨折 B1 = 外髁,矢状面 B2 = 内髁,矢状面 B3 = 额状面骨折 B1 B2 B3 骨骺端/干骺端骨折 C1 = 关节内和干骺端均为简单 C2 = 关节内简单,干骺端粉碎 C3 = 关节内和干骺端均为粉碎 C1 C2 C3 踝关节骨折 44- 44-A =下胫腓联合水平以下 腓骨骨折 44-B =下胫腓联合水平 腓骨骨折 44-C =下胫腓联合水平以上 腓骨骨折 A B C 44 肱骨近端骨折 A B C 肱骨近端 11- 11-A 关节外单处骨折 11-B 关节外两处骨折 11-C 关节内骨折 股骨近端骨折 A B C 股骨近端骨折 31- 31-A 粗隆间骨折 31-B 股骨颈骨折 31-C 股骨头骨折 病例 33-C3 分型? 骨 = 3 节段 = 3 类型 = C 组 = 3 病例 32-A3 类型 = A 组 = 3 (屈曲骨折, 30°) 分型? 骨 = 3 节段 = 2 小结 AO 骨折分型 是: - 能充分理解的(comprehensive) - 适用的(adaptable) - 一致的(consistent) - 动态的(dynamic) 依赖于骨科医生正确评估骨折类型的能力 * “The basis of all clinical activity, be it: - assessment and treatment, - investigation and evaluation, - learning and teaching, must be based upon sound data, properly assembled, clearly expressed, and readily accessible”. W. M. Murphy and D. Leu Soon after ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) became “acceptable” treatment for certain fractures, the AO group recognized: - the need for “sound data”, - to assess the efficacy and risks of what was then very aggressive methods of fracture management The AO group: - set out to document all fractures being treated by its members Rapidly it became apparent: - as the volume of information built up, - that a means of codifying this information was necessary, - so that data could readily be added and extracted, This process stimulated the development of the comprehensive classification of fractures. During the 1960s–70s: - almost every fracture had a classification system of its own, which was of value in management of fractures However, these classifications: - were groupings, - usually free-standing, - uncoordinated, - and proved to be quite unhelpful for comparing the outcomes of


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