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Programming Language 1、结构体,链表 A struct in the C programming language (and many derivatives(派生类)) is a complex data type declaration that defines a physically grouped list of variables to be placed under one name in a block of memory, allowing the different variables to be accessed via a single pointer, or the struct declared name which returns the same address. 链表 link list 整数integer 小数decimal 字符character 指针pointer 节省内存save memory 不连续的discontinuous 面向过程process-oriented 条件 condition requirement 执行 carry out,execute 语句command statement 二进制文件 binary file ? 2、C++的封装性、继承性和多态性 封装 Encapsulation)就是将抽象得到的数据data)和行为manipulate)(或功能)相结合,形成一个有机的整体,也就是将数据与操作数据的源代码进行有机的结合,形成“类class)”,其中数据和函数都是类的成员。 ? 多态(Polymorphism)?按字面的意思就是“多种形状”。引用Charlie Calverts对多态的描述——Delphi4 编程技术内幕”)。简单的说,就是一句话:允许将子类类型的指针赋值给父类类型的指针。多态性在Object Pascal和C++中都是通过虚函数(Virtual Function)实现的。 ? 继承Inherit)是面向对象软件技术当中的一个概念。如果一个类A继承自另一个类B,就把这个A称为“B的子类”,而把B称为“A的父类”。继承可以使得子类具有父类的各种属性和方法,而不需要再次编写相同的代码。在令子类继承父类的同时,可以重新定义某些属性,并重写某些方法,即覆盖父类的原有属性和方法,使其获得与父类不同的功能。 继承是指一个对象直接使用另一对象的属性和方法。 ? C++ is object oriented,being convenient for user operation. It is different from the nature of C language characteristic is the encapsulation(封装),like a box puts function inside. The user does not need to know the internal structure of the function,as long as through the interface can realize the function call. ? 3、C++与JAVA继承的不同 Inheritance is another advantage,and it can realize multiple inheritance. Here it is also the difference from JAVA .We can not use multiple inheritance in JAVA,but can accomplish with interface. ? 4、内存泄露 The biggest difference between C++ and JAVA is memory allocation. JAVA wont cause a memory leak. Memory leak is refers to have no memory and no release,the next part of this memory cannot reuse. ? 5、An assembly language is a low-level programming language for a computer, or other programmable device, in which there is a very strong (generally one-to-one) correspondence between the la



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