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高等数学测试题(二)导数、微分部分答案及解析 选择题(每小题4分,共20分) 设函数 在处( B ) A 不连续 B 连续但不可导 C 二阶可导 D 仅一阶可导 2、若抛物线与曲线相切,则等于( C ) A 1 B C D 3、设函数在处可导,且,则等于( B ) A 1 B C D 4、设函数在点处可导,则等于( C ) A 0 B C D 5、设函数可微,则当时,与相比是( ) A 等价无穷小 B 同阶非等价无穷小 C 低阶无穷小 D 高阶无穷小 二、填空题(每小题4分,共20分) 1、设函数,则= 0 设函数,则= 2 设函数在处可导,且=0,=1,则= 曲线上点 处的切线平行于轴,点_____ 处的切线与轴正向的交角为。 x=1 = 三、解答题 1、(7分)设函数在处连续,求 2、(7分)设函数,求 设 3、(8分)求曲线 在 处的切线方程和法线方程 ∵ ∴ 时 x= 4、(7分)求由方程 所确定的隐函数的二阶导数 对x求导 在对x求导 6、(10分)设函数 ,适当选择的值,使得在处可导 ∵在处可导 ∴ 。。。。。。。。。① ∴a=1.。。。。。。② 由①②得a=1 b= 7(7分)若,其中 为可微函数,求 ∵ 对x求导 8、(7分)设函数在上连续,且满足 ,证明:在内至少存在一点,使得 8、假设 x1,x2分别是x=a x=b领域内的一点x1a x2b 在x=a的领域内 在x=b的领域内 函数在上连续所以在[x1 x2]内有一点是c是 即在内至少存在一点,使得 同理当 也一样 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Johns Hopkins University for the TC-1 cells. This work was supported by a National Health Research Institutes intramural grant (IV-103-PP-22) and grants from the National Science Council, which were awarded to Y.C. Song (NSC 99-2321-B-400-004-MY3) and S.J. Liu (NSC 103-2321-B-400-008). Author Contributions Y.C.S. and S.J.L. designed the studies. Y.C.S. performed the research and analyzed the data. Y.C.S. and S.J.L. wrote the manuscript. Additional Information C57BL/6 mice were immunized subcutaneously (s.c.) once with 1 μ g of peptide mixed with or without 10 μ g of CpG adjuvant. After one week, splenocytes were harvested, and the response of IFN-γ -secreting cells was determined by ELISPOT after 48 h of peptide stimulation. Briefly, 2 × 105 splenocytes were incubated with 1 μ g/ml irrelevant peptide or RAH peptide in an anti-IFN-γ -coated polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) plate for 48 h. After incubation, the cells were removed, and a biotinylated anti-IFN-γ Ab (eBioscience, San Diego, CA, USA) was added to each well. The plates were incubated at 37 °C for 2 h. Following the addition of the avidin-HRP reagent (eBio


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