
电脑销售管理系统的设计与开发 毕业论文.doc

电脑销售管理系统的设计与开发 毕业论文.doc

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桂林航天工业学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 系别: 信息工程系 专业: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 2013 年 6 月 10 日 目 录 引 言 5 1 系统分析与设计 6 1.1可行性分析 6 2 需求分析 7 2.1 系统需求 7 2.2 功能需求 7 3 总体设计 8 3.1 基本设计概念和处理流程 8 3.2 模块设计 9 4.数据库设计 10 4.1 数据库的逻辑设计 10 4.2 数据库的配置 10 5 详细设计 10 5.1 类模块设计 10 5.2.欢迎界面 11 5.3员工管理界面 13 5.4商品管理 18 5.5进货商管理 23 5.5.1销售管理 27 5.52供货商管理 29 6系统维护 30 6.1 调试运行 30 结论 31 致谢 32 参考文献 33 摘 要 一直以来,电脑销售公司使用传统的人工方式管理计算机销售的日常工作。一个最典型的手工处理“电脑销售过程”就是:电脑销售公司与客户达成购买协议并签订销售订单后,由销售方的销售员亲自拿着订单去财务部交钱,然后再去仓库领货,最后才进行装机。 这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、必威体育官网网址性差、容易让底层员工混水摸鱼,并且直接迁涉到仓库的出入库管理,形成了双向物流。如果时间一长将产生大量的文件和发票、收据等数据,对于日后的查找更新和保管都带来了不少的困难随着计算机技术的迅速发展,计算机信息管理系统已成为热门话题。本文以设计开发电脑销售系统为例,介绍了如何实现利用电脑来解决传统的手工方式管理计算机销售的日常工作。关键词:销售;系统;数据库 Abstract Since the computer sales company, using the traditional manual management of the daily work of computer sales. One of the most typical manual processing computer sales process is: computer sales company and customers to reach a purchase agreement and the signing of the sales order, by sale salesman personally take the orders to the financial department to make money, and then go to the warehouse to receive the goods, and finally was installed. This management way has many shortcomings, such as: low efficiency, poor security, easy to let the employees fish in troubled water, and direct migration to warehouse management, forming a two-way logistics. If a long time, will produce the massive documents and invoices, receipts and other data, for future searching update and storage have brought a lot of difficulties. With the rapid development of computer technology, computer information management system has become a hot topic. Based on the design and development of computer sales system as an example, introduces how to use a computer to solve the traditional manual management of computer sales daily work. Key word: Sales ;system;;database; 引


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