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3810L电动执行器使用说明书 3810L Electric Actuator Instructions 目 录 Table of Contents 1.产品概述Product Overview 2.主要技术参数The main technical parameters 3.产品型号规格Product Specification 4、结构与原理The structure and principles 5、安装Installation 6、调整Adjusting 7、外形尺寸Dimension 8、配套支架The supporting bracket 9、故障和解决办法fault and solutions 10、订货须知Ordering Information 11、安全使用注意事项Safety Precautions 使用本执行器时,请先认真阅读和理解本说明书,通过正确的使用和维护,充分发挥其效能。When using this actuator, please read and understand the present specification, by the proper use and maintenance, full play to its effectiveness. 1 产品概述Product Overview 3810L系列直行程电子式电动执行器有以220V 交流单相电源和380V 三相交流电源两种驱动电源的机型,接受来自调节器控制信号(D C 4 ~ 20m A 或 DC 1 ~ 5V ),实现预定直线往复运动的新型执行器。本系列执行器被用作调节阀的执行机构时,几乎具备了调节阀本身所要求的各种动作变换功能以及阀开度信号功能和手动功能。因此被广泛应于发电、冶金、石化、轻工及环保等工业部门。 主要特点:main feature: 1.1 执行器设计有伺服系统(无需另配伺服放大器),只需接入DC4 ~20mA(或D C 1~5V)信号和对应的电源即可工作。内设接线端子,接线极为简单方便。Actuator servo system design (no need to reprovision servo amplifier), simply access DC4~20m A (or DC 1 ~ 5V) signal and the corresponding power supply to work. Equipped terminals, wiring is extremely simple and convenient. 1.2 执行器的关键部件—控制器,采用最先进的混合集成电路,用树脂密封浇铸, 外形为匣状,体积小,可靠性高。Actuator key components - controllers, using the most advanced hybrid integrated circuits, sealed with resin casting, shape of box shape, small size, high reliability. 1.3 驱动量的反馈检测采用高性能导电塑料电位器,分辨率< 0.4%。Feedback detection driving amount of high-performance conductive plastic potentiometer, resolution 0.4%. 1.4 具备自诊断功能,当发生故障时,控制器上的指示灯会立即发出指示信号。With self-diagnostic function, when a failure occurs, the indicator on the controller will issue an instruction signal immediately. 1.5 用状态选择开关可以设定断信号时,(阀芯处于全开,全闭或自锁状态。)When using the selector switch can be set to OFF state signal (spool is fully open, fully closed or locked state.) 1.6 用状态选择开关可以设定(正、反动作。)With the state selection switch can be set (positive and negative actions.) 1.7 用状态选择开关可以设定输入信号为(D C 4~20m A或D C 1~5V。)With the state selection switch can be set to the input signal (DC 4 ~ 20m A or DC


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