
钢筋工程的施工质量 毕业论文.doc

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摘 要 建筑是人类生活的基础设施与基本条件之一。从二十世纪八十年代开始,我国建造房屋的结构材料广泛采用了混凝土,特别是现浇混凝土结构有了较大的发展。起到骨骼作用的钢筋工程,必须采取严格规范的措施来管理和操作,确保结构工程的质量。 在此论文中,研究了钢筋工程并通过烟台名人苑项目工程分析钢筋的质量、加工工艺、焊接绑扎和安装质量。钢筋工程是隐蔽工程,混凝土浇筑后难以检查其质量,而钢筋工程的缺陷,直接影响到钢筋混凝土构件的强度及刚度,在承受荷载后,可能会发生严重变形,甚至是构件破坏、断裂,造成质量安全事故。所以对钢筋工程的施工质量应严格把关,按规定做好钢筋的检验,及时进行隐蔽工程验收。 关键字:钢筋类型;钢筋性能质量;绑扎和安装 Abstract Building the infrastructure of human life and basic conditions. Eighties from the twentieth century, our houses are built of concrete structural materials widely used, especially in situ concrete structure has a larger development. Play a role in the steel skeleton construction, measures must be taken to strictly regulate the management and operations, to ensure the quality of structural engineering. In this thesis, I studied engineering and reinforced through the project of Yantai Celebrity Court reinforced the quality, processing technology, welding and installation of quality banding. Project is the hidden works of reinforced concrete after pouring is difficult to check its quality, and defects in steel works, directly affecting the strength of reinforced concrete structures and rigidity to withstand load, it may be a serious distortion, or even component damage, fracture, resulting in Quality and safety incidents. Therefore, the quality of the steel works should be strictly according to the provisions of the test well reinforced, in a timely manner concealed work. Keywords: reinforcement type, reinforcement performance quality, banding and installation 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1研究的背景、意义和目的 1 1.1.1社会背景 1 1.1.2钢筋工程研究意义和目的 1 1.2 钢筋发展状况 2 1.3研究方法及内容 6 第2章 钢筋工程施工质量控制及安全管理 7 2.1施工前准备 7 2.1.1钢筋进场检验 7 2.1.2对于钢筋运输、制作和保管的要求 8 2.1.3钢筋施工图 10 2.2钢筋下料 10 2.2.1 钢筋下料 10 2.2.2配料计算注意事项 12 2.3钢筋加工 13 2.3.1钢筋除锈 13 2.3.2钢筋调直 13 2.3.3钢筋切断 14 2.3.4钢筋弯曲 15 2.4钢筋绑扎与安装 17 2.4.1钢筋绑扎 17 2.4.2钢筋焊接 20 2.4.3机械连接 22 2.4.4钢筋接长注意事项 24 2.5质量检验与安全技术 25 2.5.1质量检验 25 2.5.2安全技术 26 第3章 名人苑钢筋工程实例 28 3.1名人苑工程概况 28 3.2平面布置 28 3.3机械设备 29 3.4钢筋进场及加工 30 3.4.1钢筋下料长度 32 3


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