
高白度轻量涂布白面牛卡纸的设计及实验验证 毕业论文.doc

高白度轻量涂布白面牛卡纸的设计及实验验证 毕业论文.doc

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高白度轻量涂布白面牛卡纸的设计及实验验证 DESIGN AND EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF LOW KRAFT LINER BOARD WITH HIGH BRIGHTNESS 专 业: 轻化工程 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 申请学位级别: 学士 论文提交日期: 2012年6月14日 学位授予单位: 天津科技大学 摘 要 设计不同分别为5g,10g,15g,20g,25g,30g,35g,40g,45g再配制不同的底涂涂料和相同的面涂涂料,分别对实验证明挂面浆量对白度的影响很大,通过对经过挂面的涂布纸白度和未挂面的涂布纸白度比较,发现下,挂面浆对白度的提高作用非常显著当挂面浆定量到达g/m2以上时挂面浆对白度的提高作用。实验还发现使用不同底涂配方对白度的影响也同样很大,但随着挂面浆量的增加,不同底涂的白面牛卡纸白度越来越接近,在面浆定量30g左右白度几乎相同。最后实验证明运用挂面浆的方式可以在轻量涂布的条件下获得度较高的白面牛卡纸。 关键词:涂布白面牛卡纸; 挂面浆量; 白度; 涂料配方 ABSTRACT Corrugated boxes have long been used to pack and protect various goods. In the past, strength and durability were the major quality considerations. However, during the last three decades, the retail industry had set new demands for corrugated boxes. More and more goods were being left in the boxes in which they were shipped, to be sold directly from the shelf. To promote the product within, these boxes need graphics that were colorful and appealing with printing that was easy to read. Retailers also need clearly printed bar codes to make it more expedient to control inventory. Residual demand for better print quality at an economical cost in corrugated containers and continued growth of mass merchandising leading to less personal selling and more dependence on product informati-on provided on the package motivated the growth of visual appeal linerboard. Increasing coat weight or adding expensive TiO2 in coating color could increase the brightness of coated brown board. It was nesseary to study the application of cheaper pigments in coated brown linerboard. This design uses the different surface plasma volume and the underlying cause of composite paper pulp, slurry surface quantitative respectivel 5g, 10g, 15g, 20g, 25g, 30g, 35g, 40g, 45g. Prepare different bottom coating and the same surface coating, respectively, for making coated paper. After drying the coated white craft paper were measured the whiteness and the coating weight, in order to study the kraft paper whiteness


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