
高层建筑火灾风险分析 毕业论文.doc

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摘要 根据高层建筑火灾的特点,在分析了高层建筑发生火灾的原因及危害的基础上,按照高层建筑火灾预防,人员安全疏散需要的时间进行全面分析,实施全方位科学协调,保证人员快速疏散。探讨了以设计施工为平台,建立高层建筑消防长效发展的整体保障机制,并充分利用公共资源,探索符合本地实际情况。通有效途径和火灾应急措施方式,分析高层建筑火灾风险分析以及安全疏散特点,来提高高层建筑火灾预防管理、教育、服务、保障的综合功能,减小火灾损失.由于楼层过高,所以一旦发生紧急事件,逃生和疏散就变得困难。本文就针对高层建筑设立防火安全疏散通道的必要性问题做了简要的分析。 关键词:火灾预防、安全疏散、高层建筑、火灾风险分析、火灾损失 Abstract According to the characteristics of high-rise building fires, the analysis of the high-rise building fire causes and hazards on the basis, in accordance with high-rise building fire prevention, evacuation time required to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of comprehensive scientific coordination, to ensure rapid evacuation of personnel. Discusses the design and construction as a platform to establish long-term development of high-rise building fire the overall security mechanism, and make full use of public resources, explore meet local circumstances. Through effective ways and means of fire emergency measure, analyze risk analysis as well as high-rise building fire safety evacuation characteristics, to improve management of high-rise building fire prevention, education, services, protect the comprehensive functions, reducing fire losses due to high floors, so in the event of emergency escape and evacuation becomes difficult. In this paper, for the establishment of high-rise building fire safety evacuation routes need to do a brief analysis of the problem. Keywords: Fire prevention, safe evacuation of high-rise buildings, fire risk analysis, fire losses 目录 1 概述 1 2 高层建筑火灾风险分析 3 3高层建筑火灾原因及危害分析 7 3.1高层建筑火灾危险分析 7 3.1.1建筑物楼层高蔓延快 7 3.1.2烟囱效应 8 3.1.3纵横交错的各种管道 8 3.1.4火势卷叠沿外墙向上发展扩大 9 3.2高层建筑火灾危害分析 9 3.2.1烟气的恐怖性 9 3.2.2烟气的毒害性 9 3.3烟气控制 10 4高层建筑火灾人员疏散分析 12 4.1高层建筑火灾中人的行为心理分析 12 4.2高层建筑防火安全措施 14 4.2.1合理布置安全疏散路线 14 4.2.2合理布置安全通道 15 4.2.3合理布置疏散出口 16 4.2.4合理布置疏散楼梯 16 4.2.5合理设置疏散门 17 4.2.6避难层(间)的合理设计 18 4.3高层建筑火灾人员安全疏散分析 18 4.3.1高层建筑安全疏散的基本原则 18 4.3.2影响安全疏散的因素 19 4.4高层建筑火灾安全疏散方法分析 20 4.4.1做好安全管理 20 4.4.2做好防火安全教育 21 4.4.3掌握好人员疏散时间,确保人员安全疏散 21 4.4.4确保


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