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6 () No.6
2007 11 Journal of East China Norm al University (Natural Science) Nov.2007
:1000-5641 (2 007 )06-0044-12
李贺鹏, 张利权
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.20 05-20 06 , 、、
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:Q945 :A
Experimental Study on Physical Controls of an Exotic
Plant Sp ar tina alt ernif l ora in Shanghai
LI He-peng, ZHANG Li-quan
(S tate K ey L aboratory of Estuarine an d Coastal Research, S hangh ai K ey L aboratory
of Urban iz at ion an d Ecolog ical Restorat ion, E ast China N orma l University, S hanghai 200062, Ch ina)
Abstract: Since intro uce into the Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve in 19 95, Sp artina al-
ternif lora has rapi ly expan e an seriously threatene the bio iversity there.During 20 05 an
2 00 6, a fiel experiment of physical controls, inclu ing igging tillage, breaking rhizome, cut-
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E-mail:lqzhang @sklec.ecnu.e .
6 , : 45
ting, an biological substitute, on S.a lternif lora w as con ucte to search effective measures for
controlling this invasive plant.The grow th parameters of ensity, coverage an abovegroun bio-
mass were use to evaluate the efficiency of ifferent t reatments.The results show e that for the
igging tillage treatments, the ensity, coverage an abovegroun biomass were significantly
low er than that of the control an there were no significant ifference among the ifferent epth
treatments.In the en of the seco
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