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摘 要
全面、准确对致密储层的裂缝网络进行定量 表征及预 测影响着 裂缝性油 气田的高 效开发。 在系统调 研国内外 裂缝研究 成果且详 细对比分 析的基 础上,从 地质分析 、测井识 别、构造 曲率法 及应力场模 拟、地震裂 缝检测、 非线性理 论方法等 着手,总 结出了储 层裂缝表 征及预测 研究的进 展。研究 表明,根 据成因将 储层裂缝 划分为构 造裂缝和 非构造裂 缝两大类 ,构 造缝包 括区域性 裂缝、 局部构造 缝和复 合型构 造缝, 局部构 造缝指与 断层和褶 皱相关的 裂缝;非 构造缝主 要分为收 缩缝和与 表面有关 的裂缝 两大类及 9个亚类 ,裂缝类 型不同, 其特征及 成因机理 也不同。 采用地质 分析与测 井解释相 结合,建立 露头、岩 心与测井 的识别模 式对裂缝 进行准 确识别。 利用地质 、测井和 构造应力 等资料, 建立数学 模型, 对裂 缝参数进 行定量计 算。详 细阐述并 分析了多 种裂缝预 测方法的 优缺点 ,最终 指明了储 层裂缝 研究的不 足与发展 方向。
裂缝性储 层;裂缝 表征;裂 缝识别; 裂缝预测
It is very important for exploration and development of oil and gas to comprehensively and accurately and quantitatively describe and predict fracture. Base on the basis of the literature investigation of fractures research findings around the world, fromgeological analysis, log fracture identification, curvature method, tectonic stress simulation, seismic fracture prediction and so on,the progress of fracture characterization and prediction are summarized. It is sh-own that the reservoir fractures can be classified into two types, including structural and non-structural fracture according to their origin. The structural fracture includes regional fracture, local fracture and complex structural fracture,i-n which the local structural fracture is related to fracture of fault and fold. T-he non-structural fracture can be classified into contraction fracture and related fracture of surface, which have 12 sub-types. Every type of fractures has different characteristics and origin. The main identification of fracture is combination of geological analysis and log interpretation, and then pattern recognition o-f outcrop, core and well logging will be established. Also quantitative calcul-ation method for fracture is proposed using geological, logging and tectonic st-ress data. With the aid of those bases, the advantage and disadvantage of methods for detection and prediction of the fracture distribution are discussed. Fin-ally the shortcoming and development of fracture research are pointe
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