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摘 要
These design for 300t/y crude oil unit processing-air distillation part. The design basis data supply from petroleum refining station of the luoyang petrifaction engineering 《The appreciate of the Liaohe commingled crude》. The major word of these designing is process design of atmospheric the distillation tower, determining the tower equipment size and proofing of water conservation.
In this designing, in order to uniform each segment hot-load in this tower, as a result of reclaim the whole oil vapour internal latent heat of the top of tower nistead of set up circulating reflux of the atmospheric distillation. Because of flash section temperature of atmostpheric distillation, it process the optimization of the steam stripping volume in tower bottomand heat distribution. The partition ratio of top of tower circumfluence、one media circumfluence, two media circumfluence partingly is 40%、25%、35%. Taken hot by the first intermediate reflux is 17.685GJ/h. Taken hot by the second intermediate reflux is 24.759GJ/h. Input is 365625kg/h. It is the stripping steam of the tower bottom 5233.56KJ/h. It is the light naphtha of thet op of tower 5813.44KJ/h. It is 7072.11kg/h to the cold reflux of the top of tower. It is 11992.5KJ/h to atmospheric distillation tower the first siding. It is 11992.5KJ/h to atmospheric distillation tower the 2nd siding. It is 11992.5KJ/h to atmospheric distillation tower the 3rd siding. It is 261677.8KJ/h to tower bottom heavy naphtha.
This atmospheric distillation tower split into forty-six layer tower tray. F
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