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题 目: A/O工艺处理石化污水的设计 院 系: 专 业: 班 级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 论文提交日期: 年 月 日 论文答辩日期: 年 月 日 摘要 本设计的题目是设计一座化工污水处理厂。该污水处理厂位于某石油化工厂内,其处理的污水量为3.6万吨/天,初始的BOD5 的浓度为350mg/L,SS的浓度为450 mg/L。 本设计采用的工艺为A/O生物除磷系统,该工艺在污水处理方面属较为新颖的方法,技术较为成熟,较之普通的污水处理工艺有其不可比拟的优点,在经济和技术上都有明显的优势。出水指标能达到国家二级排放标准。 该工艺的流程是:污水经粗格栅去除大体积的杂质,再经过调节池对初进的污水进行整流和均质,由细格栅进入隔油池,主要是去除悬浮于污水中的油类物质。接着污水进入厌氧池,可吸收去除一部分有机物,并释放出大量磷,设计为矩形反应池。污水又进入好氧池,使废水中的有机物得到好氧降解,同时污泥将大量摄取废水中的磷。设计为推流式矩形反应池。再经由配水井流入二沉池排放,二沉池的污泥经回流泵房后剩余污泥通过污泥泵打入厌氧池,使得污水中的BOD5、SS达标排放。同时,在此污水处理过程中产生的污泥量较少,经简单的浓缩池浓缩、脱水后外运。 本设计采用可靠的安全措施,合理布局,美化环境,把污水处理厂建成一个花园式的厂区。 关键词: 厌氧 好氧 A/O生物除磷系统 Abstract:The title of this thesis is to design a small municipal sewage treatment plant. This plant lies in the suburb of some district. It can dispose 36,000 cube sewage every day. The primary concentration of BOD5 and SS is400mg/L and350 mg/ L. The process of this thesis is man-made wetland treatment system, which is a new pathway in the sewage treatment. The technique of this process is offer comparative advantages in economic and technology. The quality of disposed effluent is up to the second class of national standard. The first step of this process is screening, which removes big-sized trash. Then the comminuting device commutate and shred the solids in the sewage and the waste flow into the primary setting tank through the mesh grid,The sewage go throughthe thin grill to the initial sinking pond, at this step the solid suspension which may precipitate in the sewage are removed . According to request and this craft characteristic which designs needed, take the spoke to flow the type sedimentation pond.Afterwards the sewage enters tires of the oxygen pond, may absorb removes part of organic matters, and releases the massive phosphorus. The interior design of the tires of the oxygen pond is the rectangle.Whe


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