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谢谢各位同学! * * * In 1970 when Japanese economy was growing rapidly, a famous report was presented by the Club of Rome and it provides a forecast of population, resources, food production per person, industrial production per person and environmental pollution. The world population is estimated to increase from six point one billion in 2000 to ten billion in 2050. This forecast matches our present population. Due to the sharp decrease in resources, the peak of food production and industrial production will occur at about 2020 and will decrease. And also environmental pollution will increase and show a maximum corresponding to the decrease in industrial production. At 2050, our civilization will collapse, the world population will decrease due to starvation and war. At the time that this was reported, the results were not taken seriously. This is because it was strongly believed that the development of the economy was based on the increase of production and the resource usage seemed far from our rate of consumption. However, as many factors concerning our environment and resources became clearer, there results have become a widely accepted possibility that a collapse of some type will occur due to the increase of population and decrease of resources. And to establish sustainable society, it was agreed upon in agenda 21st at the リオデジャネイロ united nations conference, 1992. 热烈欢迎2014级生物工程专业新同学 (一)历史沿革: 生工系创办于2002年,有教职工10人,其中教授2人,博士9人。办学起点很高。 (二)毕业生情况: 已有2003-2010八届毕业生,毕业生中有多人考上中国科学院、中国农业科学院、华东理工大学、江南大学研究生,考研率25%以上,其它同学都已找到工作,部分毕业生已做出突出成就。 一、发展慨况 (三)办学特色:面向产业化,注重实践及创新能力培养 专业设两个方向: 生物制药工程方向 培养掌握生物制药工程的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,能在医药、农药、生物化工和天然药物分离纯化等领域从事设计、生产、管理和新技术研究、新产品开发的工程技术人才。本方向以主动适应人才市场需求和提高人才竞争力的需要为出发点,突出应用性。使学生掌握生物制药技术的基本原理和实验方法,具备将生物技术和制药技术有机结合进行初步科学研究的能力,具有独立设计和改进实验方案的能力,具有现代生物制药企业管理和产品营销方面的基本知识,了解生物制品、制药等相关企业的生产工艺流程,使毕业生有较宽的就业机会和较强的竞争力。 发酵与酿造方向 培养掌握发酵工程的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,能在发酵工程领域从事设计、生产、管理和新技术研究、新产品开发的工程技术人才。本方向以适应市场经济需要为基准,随着学科的发展,专业内涵从发酵工程拓展到了生物工程整个领域,通过学


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