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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:基于iOS的图片标注系统 学 院 软件学院 专 业 软件工程 学生姓名 XXX 学生学号 指导教师 提交日期 年 月 日 摘 要 随着网络资源地增加,图片分享在网络社交中的比重越来越高。而在图片分享之前进行图片处理是许多互联网用户都爱做的事情。迎着用户的需求,市场有许多的图片处理软件应运而生。但大都是对图片进行美化,增加亮度等,对图片像素进行处理,且操作比较复杂。本系统本着操作简便,效果美观的原则,为用户提供了四种图片标注方式,让用户可以随心所欲地DIY自己的图片,最后将会产生出意想不到的效果。 本系统提供的四种标注方式为: 文字标注 图片标注 声音标注 链式标注 本系统基于iOS7,开发环境为Xcode,以可复用,易扩展为宗旨,整体框架基于iOS使用MVC进行架构,系统内部封装遵循面向对象的原则,系统对外遵循面向接口的原则,系统默认界面遵循可定制原则定义相应delegate对外开放,系统实体为一个封装系统逻辑与用户操作的ViewController 。每一种标注方式作为一种控件提供给用户进行选择,减少标注方式与系统实体的耦合性,提高系统更改的灵活性。 本系统的最终成果以第三方控件为目标,在基础逻辑功能完善的条件下,主要提高系统的通用移植性与更多的可自定义内容。 关键词:iOS;第三方控件;图签制作 (另起页:外文摘要范例;英文摘要和关键词应该是中文摘要和关键词的翻译) Abstract (小三号,Times New Roman字体,加粗,居中,上下空一行)。 (正文:Times New Roman字体,小四号,行距为固定值20磅) In this paper, multivariable predictive control algorithm and its application to the control of the environmental test device are introduced particularly. The temperature and humidity control system of the environmental test device is characterized as long time delay and severe coupling. Therefore, the routine PID control effect is unsatisfactory. In this case, the simulation of the temperature and humidity control of the environmental test device based on multivariable predictive control algorithm is made. Predictive control algorithm is one of control algorithm based on description of system’s input-output. Its three basic principles are predictive model, rolling optimization and feedback correction. It chooses unit step response as its predictive model, so that the modeling process is simplified. In addition, good control and decoupling effects could be possessed by means of selection suitable parameters. In this paper, the environmental test device is introduced briefly and the existing problems are showed. Then multivariable predictive control algorithm is presented particularly,



