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天津职业技术师范大学 Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 设 计 专 业: 计算机科学与技术 班级学号: 02210091117 学生姓名: 齐坦坦 指导教师: 于雅楠 讲师 协助教师: 张彪 工程师 二〇一四年五月 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计 历史人物介绍系统的设计与实现 ——人物介绍、历史人物答题 The Development And Implementation Of The Historical Introduction Application ——The Implementation Of Person Introduction and Historical Quiz 专业班级:计科0911 学生姓名:齐坦坦 指导教师:于雅楠 讲师 学 院:信息技术工程学院 2014年5月 摘 要 由于当代电视剧对历史的翻拍和篡改,历史人物的生平事迹更是被改写的面目全非。不管是从史籍上的正史,还是读物上的别史,我们从中了解到的历史人物信息已经严重的不符合一般描述。未能客观公正的描述一些历史人物的信息,以及许多存在争议的历史问题。 近年来随着ios设备的流行,苹果应用市场前景越来越广阔,本应用是致力于以最真实的面貌展现中国历史人物事迹的app阅读软件。 文章讨论了该类苹果手机应用的广阔市场前景和巨大的利润,基于需求分析开发一款简洁的知识查询应用,着重介绍了开发本应用程序的设计和开发流程以及使用的关键技术,包含使用语言objective-c的简单介绍,开发框架以及开发工具等进行具体说明,实现了基于ios的历史人物查询开发。 历史人物介绍与查询应用主要围绕在iOS设备上实现历史人物的简单介绍阅读,最终实现历史人物的有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站、阅读、答题和分享,联网更多精确阅读等功能模块。 关键词:iOS;objective-c;历史人物;有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站;分享 ABSTRACT With the spread of computer and TV novels, he life of historical figures has been changed that beyond recognition. No matter from the official on the joseon dynasty, or books on the privately compiled history, we learned the information of historical figures is not in conformity with the general description. Failed to be more objective and justice. The deep analysis of some issues are still controversial history. In recent years, with the popularity of ios devices, apple application prospect market is becoming more and more broad, This application is dedicated to the most real app reading software of Chinas historical figures. Discussed in the paper the iphone applications has broad market prospect and huge profits. Based on the analysis of market I developed a simple application. This paper introduces design and development process and the key technologies used in the development process of this application. The program language contains a simple introduction of objective – c and development framework and development tools to specify. Completed the historical query based on ios development. Historical figure is introdu



