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Graveyard School Poet 墓园诗派 The Graveyard poets were a group of pre-Romantic English poets in the 18th century.Their works mainly focus on the themes of mortality,death and bereavement.Their poems describe the physical manifestations of death,evoke subjective responses like fear and horror,and contemplate the phenomena connected with death like darkness,tomb and ghosts. Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard The poem was first published in 1751. Gray may, however, have begun writing the poem in 1742, shortly after the death of his close friend Richard West. An elegy is a poem which laments the dead. Grays Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard is noteworthy in that it mourns the death not of great or famous people, but of common men. The poem invokes the classical idea of memento mori, a Latin phrase which states plainly to all mankind, Remember that you must die. In this poem, the graveyard acts as a memento mori, reminding the narrator to not place too much value on this life because someday he too will be dead and buried. The Style The 1st stanza The 2nd stanza 苍茫的景色逐渐从眼前消退, 一片肃穆的寂静盖遍了尘寰, 只听见嗡嗡的甲虫转圈子纷飞, 昏沉的铃声催眠着远处的羊栏。 The second stanza sustains the somber tone of the first: the speaker is not mournful, but pensive沉思的, as he describes the peaceful landscape that surrounds him. Even the air is characterized as having a solemn stillness. The 3rd stanza 只听见常春藤披裹的塔顶底下 一只阴郁的柢枭向月亮诉苦, 怪人家无端走进它秘密的住家, 搅扰它这个悠久而僻静的领土。 The sound of an owl hooting叫声 intrudes upon the evening quiet. We are told that the owl complains . * * * 主讲:王菲菲 ppt: 王瑜 Thomas Gray (26 December 1716 – 30 July 1771) was an English poet, letter-writer, classical scholar and professor at Cambridge University. Thomas Gray Sentimentalism 感伤主义 Sentimentalism is one of the important trends in English literature of the middle and later decades of the 18th century. 1. Along with a new vision of love, sentimentalism presented a new view of human nature which prized feeling over thinking, passion


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