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毕业设计(论文)手册 学 院: 职业技术学院 专业班级: 炼油 0932 姓 名: 杨海金 指导教师: 刘冬梅 填 写 说 明 1.本手册是学院对毕业设计(论文)工作进行质量监控的重要依据,必须认真如实填写,妥善保管。 2.毕业设计(论文)答辩前,学生要将经顶岗单位指导教师、指导教师及评阅教师评阅后的本手册送交答辩委员会评阅。 3.凡由指导教师组或外聘(反聘)教师指导学生,各系(部)要派负责教师协助做好毕业设计(论文)手册的填写工作。 毕业设计(论文)任务书 毕业设计(论文)任务书 毕业设计(论文)任务书 毕业设计(论文)评阅书 毕业设计(论文)评阅书 毕业答辩情况表 答辩时间:20 年 月 日 附 录 分离年处理量3万吨的苯—甲苯混合液的填料精馏塔计算 摘 要 本设计主要以分离苯-甲苯二元系混合液的填料精馏塔,对年处理量为3万吨的分离填料精馏塔。进料中苯含量为30%质量分数,的常温液体。要求塔顶镏出液为0.96,塔底釜液为0.01. 进行工艺计算 填料塔是的一种。塔内填充适当高度的填料,以增加两种流体间的接触表面。结构较简单,检修较方便。广泛应用于气体吸收、蒸馏、萃取等操作。Abstract The tower is a tower equipment. The tower is filled properly high filler, with a two increase in fluid contact between the surface. The structure is simple, maintenance is convenient. Widely used in gas absorption, distillation, extraction and other operations. Separation of distillation is the most commonly used liquid mixture of a unit operation, in oil refining, chemical, petrochemical and other widely used in industry. Distillation process in energy agent drive (sometimes combined with quality agent ), the gas-liquid two-phase multiple direct contact and separation, using liquid mixture of the components of the volatility, the volatile components from liquid to gas transfer, difficult volatile components from gas to liquid transfer, realize raw material mixture component separation. In chemical or oil refinery, tower equipment performance to the quality of production, production capacity and consumption rated and waste treatment and environmental protection and other aspects have great influence. According to concerning data report tower equipment information costs accounted for the larger proportion of investment costs. Therefore, the tower equipment design and research, by the chemical industry and oil refining industry seriously. According to the design task book, the tower is designed to be packed distillation column. Key words: benzene, toluene, packed column, liquid mix


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