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毕 业 论 文
论文题目: 国内轿车售后服务体系研究
姓 名
学 号
撰写日期 年 月
摘 要
As automotive technology advances and the rapid development of science and technology, automotive products into the home, and as a means of transport, gradually entering the public of. Domestic service more and more attention, car service due to the emergence of market competition is a means of automotive marketing, this article will introduce the domestic after-sales system to do something. Explain the concept of after-sales service, as well as its content and function, to tell you the status of the domestic automotive aftermarket and analysis, and the introduction of domestic trends and research, how to better run smooth after-sales service system in China, how to develop e- business and establish an information exchange system to promote the automotive after-market service system integrated systematic management entity, the network, modernization, Chinas auto industry needs to understand the situation and the status of Chinas automobile market, a number of after-sales service system to explore the domestic business philosophy and models of integrated service system for competitive advantage. This better understanding of the prospect of domestic service, and find his strengths and weaknesses better and better help the future development. In order to bring Chinese cars in the world automotive market place.
service, e-commerce, automotive market situation, after-sale market, development.
1 售后服务的简介 1
1.1售后服务工作的内容。 1
2 汽车售后服务的作用 1
2.1买方市场条件下汽车4S店或汽车经销商参与市场竞争的尖锐武器 1
2.2汽车4S店或汽车经销商保护汽车产品消费者权益的最后一道防线 2
2.3保持汽车4S店和汽车经销商的顾客满意度与忠诚度的有效举措 2
2.4汽车4S店或汽车经销商摆脱价格战的一剂良方 2
2.5汽车技术进步和科技发展的必然要求 3
3 我国汽车售后服务的现状与分析 3
3.1服务观点淡薄 4
3.2提供劣质配件 4
3.3维修理念落后 4
3.4忽视信息反馈 5
4 如何提高汽车4S店或汽车经销商的售后服务质量 5
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