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毕业生就业数据分析系统开发 摘要 高校毕业生的就业问题已经成为全社会都关注的热点问题。这些年来高校招生规模逐年扩大,不断增加的毕业生数目给高校的就业管理工作造成了很大的压力。在这种形势下,如果仍然采用传统的毕业生管理办法,不仅仅工作效率低下,而且工作质量不高,很容易发生错误。 目前对高校毕业生的就业状况分析是较为简单的,大多仅仅按学校的就业率和专业就业率来进行评价,显得片面缺乏科学性。根据这一情况,借助计算机对毕业生就业信息进行挖掘,对如今的教学质量和学生工作质量进行科学的综合分析,寻找影响毕业生就业困难的原因,以便对我们今后的教学和学生工作提出指导性的建议。 本课题针对学生的性别、素质培养、综合成绩、社会实践等方面在学生就业所反应的情况建立一个数据挖掘分析模型,由此得到对教学质量和学生工作质量评价的科学的新方法。针对毕业生就业情况建立数据挖掘分析模型是数据挖掘分析方法的一个新尝试,这将进一步促进数据挖掘理论的发展,并且拓宽了数据挖掘分析方法的应用领域,同时对教学质量分析和学生工作质量分析提供科学评价的新方法。 关键字: 数据挖掘;贝叶斯定理;数据库 Development Of Analysis System for Graduate Employment Data Abstract The employment of university graduates has already became the hot topic which draws much attention around the entire society. As the university recruitment of students scale is expanding year by year gradually, the increasing number of graduate students has created huge pressure for universitys supervisory work. Under this situation, if we still use the traditional policing method of the graduate, both the working efficiency and the work quality will not be satisfying and it will be very easy to make mistake. Currently, the analysis to university graduates work status is quite simple. Most of the evaluation is based on the school employment rate and the specialized employment rate, which is considered to be improper. According to this situation, we find the information of the graduate with the aid of the computer and carry on the scientific and comprehensive analysis of the quality of teaching and the students’ work. We focus on seeking to the causes of difficulty in employment in order to propose some suggestions to guide the next teaching and the work of student. The topic is to establish a data mining anatomic model in terms of sex, quality training, integrated results, social practice and so on to obtain a new scientific method to evaluate the quality of teaching and the student work quality. This data analysis method is a new attempt, this will promote the further development of data mining theory, and it has expande


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