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摘 要 酸性离子水有较强的清洁与漂白作用,适合外用,而碱性离子水适合人们服用。 本次设计的壁挂式离子水治疗仪,其基本原理是将自来水经过净化装置过滤掉水中的杂质,经矿化后进入电解槽进行电解,使水中阴阳离子分开分别存于电解槽不同的腔室,再经电极板通过控制电流的大小电解成酸碱度不同的离子水。 本次毕业设计的项目是“壁挂式离子水治疗仪的电解槽结构设计”,采用的材料是ABS塑料,设计过程要同时满足强度设计要求和工艺设计要求。作为一个全方位的三维产品开发软件,本次主要应用Pro/E软件进行电解槽结构的三维实体建模,以及电解槽相关零件的装配工作和典型零件的模具设计。本文介绍了详细的电解槽的三维实体建模过程以及相关零件的装配过程和典型零件的建模过程。 关键词:电解槽;计算机辅助设计;电解离子水 Abstract Acid ionized water has a better effect in clean and bleach thus suitable for external use while the basic ionized water for the drinking of people. The current study focuses on the wall-mounted electrolytic ionized water therapeutic equipment whose working principle is as follows. The supply water, after filtration impurities by use of water purification equipments, are mineralized and then electrolyzed in the electrolyzer in order to separate the cation and anion and make them exit in different chamber of electrolyzer respectively before electrolyzed into ionized water with different PH by means of controlling the electricity with plate electrodes. This graduation program is “the design on the structure of the electrolyzer of the wall-mounted electrolytic ionized water therapeutic equipment”, with ABS plastic as the material. The design process should meet the requirements of both the strength design and the process design. In this study, the three-dimensional solid modeling of electrolyzer and the assembly of its related parts as well as the modeling design of its typical parts are conducted mainly by the software Pro/E, which is a full range software on the development of three-dimensional products. This article gives them a description in details. Key word: Electrolyzer; Computer aid design; Electrolytic ionized water . 目 录 1 绪 论 1 1.1 壳体研究的目的和意义 1 1.2 国内外研究的现状 2 1.3 课题研究的主要内容 3 2 壁挂式离子水治疗仪的电解槽设计 4 2.1 壁挂式离子水治疗仪电解槽的结构设计 4 2.2 壁挂式离子水治疗仪电解槽的材料设计要求 5 2.2.1 材料强度设计要求 5 2.2.2 材料的工艺设计要求 7 2.2.3 关于壁挂式离子水治疗仪底座加强筋的强度计算 8 3 Pro/Ewildfire3.0的设计流程 9 3.1 Pro/Ewildfire的特征功能及其在本次设计中的应用 9 3.2 壁挂式离子水治疗仪电解槽下槽体部分绘制过程 1



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