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摘要 在现代工业生产过程中,电动机作为拖动系统中的重要组成部分tmega系列单片机为核心的10kv异步电动机保护装置。本文首先以检测过电流幅值、零序电流、负序电流等为依据,对异步电动机一些典型故障做了分析,并详细阐述了相应各种保护原理和应对措施,实现了基于差动保护和电流保护的电动机故障诊断;在硬件实现上,以ATmega16L单片机为核心,将采集到的电压、电流及温度等模拟量信号经过A/D转换器转换为数字量信号后送入单片机中处理,根据处理的结果对电动机是否存在故障以及故障的类型进行判定并执行相应的保护动作,同时通过外接显示器和键盘等外设,对其进行实时监控。在软件部分,运用C语言编写程序,使之Single-chip in the motor protection In modern industrial production process, the motor drive system has been widely used as an important part in the driving system,the reliable operation of electric motors is very important, but China in this field is behind of abroad, there is still a certain gap between the motor , therefore the protection of the motor research of great significance. An based on Atmega singlechip protection equipment for the 10kv of asynchronous motor is discussed in this article. In this paper, first of all to detect over-current amplitude, zero-sequence current, negative sequence current as the basis for a typical induction motor fault done some analysis and described in detail the corresponding principle of protection and response measures to achieve based on the differential protection current protection and fault diagnosis of electric motors; in hardware in order to ATmega16L single-chip microcomputer as the core, will be collected the voltage, current and temperature analog signal after A / D converter into a digital signal into a single machine processing, the results based on the existence of fault on the motor, as well as the type of fault to determine and implement appropriate action to protect through external peripherals such as monitors and keyboards, its real-time monitoring. Part in the software, using C programming language to meet engineering requirements. In the end,the main work of the paper is summarized,and the intending reserch work is prospected, so that the thesis research can be consummatted. KEY WORDS: motor protection; AVR microprocessor; microcomputer-based relay protection; alternating curr


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