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摘 要 垃圾是人类生活的产物。随着社会经济的不断发展和物质消费的日益现代化,城市生活垃圾逐年增多,成为大量废弃物的主要组成部分。而城市生活垃圾所造成的生态、环境污染已成为当今社会面临的一个问题。尤其在污染日益严重,而能源缺乏的今天城市生活垃圾所形成的问题变得日益有严重。垃圾发电也就变得日益重要。 本文就此问题简单介绍垃圾发电的原理与其目前国内外一些垃圾发电工艺。主要介绍单片机在垃圾发电控制系统中各种工业参量的检测与控制方案。该设计的硬件部分主要以ATmega16为系统的核心,通过对温度、压力及液位等参数进行数据采集并送入信号处理电路,从而准确地得到控制系统可以识别的数字信号。其控制参数的数字信号应用单片机的异步串口通过RS-485总线向上位机传输数据进行显示。并分析系统的工作原理与相关硬件的选型,给出系统的部分硬件电路图和软件流程。 关键词:单片机 传感器 垃圾发电 检测控制 RS-485总线 Applications of Single chip in waste-to-energy Abstract Garbage is a product of human life. With the continuous development of the socio-economic and material consumption, increasingly modern, municipal solid waste is increasing year by year, and has became the major component of the waste. And municipal solid waste resulting from the ecological, environmental pollution has become an issue facing the community. Especially in the city that the pollution increasingly serious, and lack of energy, municipal solid waste becomes a serious problem. Waste-to-energy will become increasingly important. In this paper, a brief introduction on the issue of the principle of waste-to-energy at home and abroad with it’s current waste-to-energy technology. Introduces single-chip microcomputer control system in waste-to-energy parameters in a variety of industrial testing and control program. The design of the hardware is ATmega16 as the main core of the system, through temperature, pressure and liquid level, such as data acquisition parameters and into the signal processing circuit, which accurately control the systems digital signal can be identified. It’s control parameters of the application of single-chip digital signal through the asynchronous serial RS-485 bus-bit machine to transmit data up to show. And analyze the working principle of the selection of hardware and related, give the part of the system hardware circuitry and software processes. Key words: single chip microcontroller, sensors, waste-to-energy, measurement and control, RS-485 bus 单片机在垃圾发电中的应用 目 录 第一章 垃圾发电的现状与意义 1


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