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电梯自动语音提示系统 院 系:信息科学与工程学院 专 业 班:电子科学与技术1102班 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2015年5月 电梯自动语音提示系统 The Elevator Automatic Voice Prompt System 摘 要 电梯自动语音提示系统是现代所有电梯的大脑和神经中枢。自电梯问世以来,电梯不断高端化美观化只能化,老式单纯的升降电梯已经成为了历史,现代建筑中无论在什么场合安装的电梯都是智能化、自动化的,它们大多数都是由单片机或者嵌入式系统控制的。 本设计首先确定的目标是实现对八层电梯语音提示系统模型的设计,主要通过单片机(89C52)、八个分别代表楼层的按键、LED数码管显示屏、VS1003语音模块四个部分协调工作,实现电梯的自动语音提示功能。本设计的电梯自动语音提示系统以单片机(AT89C52)作为核心,然后通过矩阵键盘按键是否按下而引起电平高低的变化,然后将该电平变化的信号送入到单片机中,单片机通过相应楼层按键按下与否的检测结果和上下行检测的结果做出相应的处理和判断,然后将该信号发送到语音模块,最后语音模块播报楼层变化和最终到达的楼层以及电梯的上下行状态。软件编程语言选用的是C语言,利用查询的方式来检测电梯用户按下的按键信息。本设计是模拟一个简单的电梯自动语音提示系统,将按键代表楼层,当相应楼层按键按下是引起电平高低的变化,然后将相应的电平信号传入到单片机中,然后单片机计数来确定楼层数,最后将信号输出到LED显示模块和语音播报模块分别进行楼层显示和语音播报。 关键词:自动语音提示 单片机 语音模块 上下行状态 Abstract The elevator automatic voice prompt system is the modern all the brain and the nerve center of the lift. In addition to those who stay in order to protect the historical old elevator,no matter in what occasion of installation of the elevators are automatic, they are basically controlled by single chip microcomputer, advanced elevator also used the embedded system. First determine the design goal is to achieve the eight design of elevator voice prompt system model, through the single chip microcomputer, eight floors respectively from the buttons, LED digital tube display, VS1003 voice module four parts coordination work, realize the automatic voice prompt function . Hardware part is mainly composed of single chip microcomputer module, elevator button circuit simulation testing module,floor broadcast voice module, elevator has LED display module and floor broadcast voice module four parts. The system USES single-chip computer (AT89C52) as the core, using the keys pressed or not caused by the change of the level, as users request information sent to the single-chip microcomputer, single-chip microcomputer according to the detected signal control floor speech broadcast and up and down the floor. Software part using C language, the use of a query to the detection of



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