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摘 要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现电子文档的管理势在必行,办公自动化是企事业单位在信息化建设基本阶段的典型需求,目的是为了规范企事业单位的日常工作流程和员工的日常行为。文档管理是管理事业中一项很重要的管理工作。它以知识管理为核心,以沟通、协调、控制为宗旨,将现代化办公管理思想和计算机、网络、通讯等信息工具高度集成。它的实施能够提高工作效企业中的信息是以文档的形式存储的,随着电子文档的日益增多,建立功能全面的文档管理信息系统是非常必要的。在分析了现有文档管理系统不足的基础上,描述了一个Internet?环境下新型文档管理系统的设计与实现。系统采用关系数据库来保存文档,方便与其他系统共享数据,并采用Web?Services?技术来实现系统组件的开发,使系统具有一定的可移植性和可扩展性电子文件具有非人工识读、系统依赖、信息与特定载体可分离、信息易变等特点,为了确保电子文件的真实性、完整性、可靠性和可用性及证据价值,实现对电子文件的有效管理和高效利用,电子文件管理系统逐渐成为国内外诸多机构的首要选择。优秀的电子文件管理系统提供的不仅仅是软件产品,更是管理理念的优化 Abstract With the rapid development of computer technology, computers in business management applications to the popularization of computer use of electronic document management is imperative, office automation is information-based enterprises in the construction phase of the typical basic needs, is designed to standardize Enterprises and institutions of the day-to-day work processes and staff of day-to-day conduct. Electronic document management is to manage a very important cause of the management. It knowledge management as the core, communication, coordination and control for the purpose, will be thinking of modern office management and computer, networking, communications and other information tools highly integrated. Its implementation will improve work efficiency, enhance communication and collaboration, to achieve efficient management of electronic documents. Enterprises in the information is stored in the form of documents, along with the growing number of electronic documents, the establishment of full-featured document management information systems is essential. Analysis of the existing document management systems on the basis of insufficient, describes the Internet under a new document management system design and implementation. Relational database system used to save the document to facilitate the sharing of data with other systems and use of Web Services technology to achieve the development of system components, the system has a portability and scal



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