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英文摘要注意修正语法错误。脚注还是过少,一些你参考别人文献比较多的地方还是需要用脚注注明的。你的文章内容比较多,自己多检查几遍看看标点错别字。比如(一)的后面不用再加顿号。 摘要 汉字教学是对外汉语教学中的关键环节,也是薄弱环节,长期制约着对外汉语事业整体的发展。只有打到了这只“拦路虎”,才能改变对外汉语教学事业相对停滞的现状。 汉字难学既有本身的原因,也有汉字教学方法不当方面的原因,另外留学生自身的因素也会引起汉字学习过程中的一些偏误。汉字是语素音节-文字,是集形、音、义于一体的方块字,与拼音文字有很大的不同。汉字教学需要采取正确的方法,但是目前对外汉字教学却存在着很多问题,如没有独立设课,缺乏统一理论的指导,没有合适的教材等。经过长期地探索和实践,部件教学法和基于“六书理论”的字理教学法取得了较好的教学效果并得到推广。此外,在汉字教学过程中必须运用一定的技巧和方法,增加教学的趣味性,取得更好的教学效果。 只有对汉字教学的地位有充分的认识,对对外汉字教学的方法进行深入地探究,汉字教学才能走出困境,对外汉语教学事业才能不断发展。 关键词:汉字的特点;地位和现状;偏误类型;六书理论;部件理论 abstract Chinese character teaching is the key link but also a weak link in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. it restricts the development of the business of teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the long run.if wewant to change the stagnant situation of teaching Chinese as a foreign language,we have to hit the”obstacle”. Chinese characters are difficult to learn is because of itself, the improper teaching method, as well as students own factors. Characters is morpheme syllables words, it is made up of form, sound and meaning . it is different from pinyin words. Chinese character teaching needs to adopt the right method, but the foreign Chinese character teaching exists many problems, such as no independent classes, the lack of a unified theory guidance, without proper teaching materials, etc. Through long-term exploration and practice, unit teaching method and word principle teaching method based on the theory of Chinese characters have achieved good teaching effects and have been prompted. In addition, in the process of Chinese character teaching ,we must use certain techniques and methodsto make the teaching more interesting, achieving better teaching effect. Only to have full understanding of the importantance of Chinese character teaching , to explore the foreign Chinese character teaching methods in depth, the teaching of Chinese characters can be out of the troubles, the career of teaching Chinese as a foreign language can have further development. Keywo


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