浅谈信息时代品牌形象设计的新发展 毕业设计论文.doc

浅谈信息时代品牌形象设计的新发展 毕业设计论文.doc

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郑州轻院轻工职业学院(东区) 专科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 浅谈信息时代 品牌形象设计的新发展 学生姓名 专业班级 07级装潢设计四班 学 号 071110401 院 (系) 视觉传达系 指导教师(职称) 完成时间 2010年 6月 1日 浅谈信息时代品牌形象设计的新发展 摘 要 E8空间文化传媒是一家主要面对广大平面设计群体的专业文化传媒机构,专注于把平面的视觉转向与立体、空间相结合的设计;致力于审美的普及,以及平面转换空间的视觉设计;积聚结构合理的人才队伍;提供品质优良的产品及服务。 空间的概念往往不会被人们联想到平面设计,因为“空间”与“平面”是两个对立的概念,但让平面的视觉予以空间化,在平面设计中融入空间的元素,会使视觉效果更加凸显,使原有的平面设计有了跳跃,使人眼前一亮,在视觉传达中起到重要的作用。 随着社会的进步和科学技术的飞速发展,优秀的富有创意的标志设计在视觉传达的领域起着越来越重要的作用。好的标志是一本优秀的VI手册制作的基础,然而VI设计不仅仅只局限于一本规范手册,更重要的是在于它的应用系统;社会在进步,产品在更新,而现在市场中VI手册所规范的应用系统中存在过多的陈旧产品规范,这些应该予以淘汰,所以在VI手册规范中应用系统中也应该存在与时俱进的观念。 关键词 空间/视觉/空间化/数字时代 Design of the Information Age Brand New Development ABSTRACT E8 space culture media is a graphic design major face of large groups of professional culture media, focusing on the plane turn and the three-dimensional visual space combining design; committed to the popularity of aesthetic and visual design of the space plane conversion;accumulation of reasonable personnel structure; provide high quality products and services. The concept of space not often that people think of graphic design, because the space and flat are two opposite concepts, but to be space of the visual plane, in the graphic design elements into the space, make the visualwas more prominent, so that the original graphic design with jumps, makes eyes bright, in the visual communication play an important role. Along with social progress and rapid development of science and technology, excellent creative logo design in the field of visual communication is playing an increasingly important role.Good sign is a good basis for making manual VI, VI design, however, is not only confined to a standard manual, more important is its application; society advances, product updates, and now the market VIManual specification of applications exist in the old over-product specific


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