浅谈中小学生上网情况的调查研究 毕业论文.doc

浅谈中小学生上网情况的调查研究 毕业论文.doc

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国家高等教育自学考试毕业论文 题 目 浅谈中小学生上网情况的调查研究 姓 名 所学专业 教育管理(本科) 准考证号 指导教师 日 期 2013年09月 浅谈中小学生上网情况的调查研究 摘要:随着科学的发展,上网似乎已成为一种潮流,它与人类生活越来越密切,尤其是中学生,他们成了这股潮流的主力军。近两年网络对青少年的影响一直是社会各界关注的热点,也是学校教育的难点。一些中学生上网的情况让人担心,他们上网大部分是为了聊天,玩游戏,看电影,看小说。由于中小学生缺乏自制力,总是不加选择地上网,不但影响了学习,也影响了他们的身心健康再加上青少年身体和心理的不成熟,好奇心大,意志力差,对各种诱惑的东西缺乏判断力,他们就很容易就沉迷于游戏、聊天,甚至光顾一些不良网站,浏览一些不健康的内容。因此,如何让青少年从网络中解脱出来,让网络成为学生学习、生活的好帮手,也成了现在社会普遍关注的问题。Abstract: With the development of science, the Internet seems to have become a trend, it has to do with human life more and more close, especially for middle school students, they have become the main force of the trend. Nearly two years the networks influence on teenagers has been the focus of attention from all walks of life, it is also the difficult point in school education. Some high school students surf the Internet to let a person worry, they mostly to chat online, play games, watch movies, reading a novel. Due to the lack of self-control, primary and secondary school students always indiscriminately on the Internet, not only affect the study, also affects their physical and mental health. Coupled with adolescent physical and mental immature, curiosity, willpower is poor, lack of judgement of all kinds of temptation, and they are easily addicted to the game, chat, or even visit some bad website, browse through some unhealthy content. Therefore, how to let teenagers from network, make network become the good assistant of students learning, living, has become now the social universal attention question. Keywords: Access to the Internet; Network; The network game; Chatting on the Internet; The information age; To deal with. 一、问题的指出 1.1有关概念的解释 计算机,是一种能够按照事先存储的程序,自动、高速地进行大量数值计算和各种信息处理的现代化智能电子设备。由硬件和软件所组成,两者是不可分割的。人们把没有安装任何软件的计算机称为裸机。随着科技的发展,现在新出现一些新型计算机有:生物计算机、光子计算机、量子计算机等。1954年5月24日,晶体管电子计算机诞生。196年10月29日,通过ARPANET,首次实现了两台计算机的互联。互联网又称因特网,即广域网、城域网、局域网及单机按照一定的通讯协议组成的国际计算机网络。互联网是指将两台计算机或


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