浅析“校园暴力行为”概念的界定 毕业论文.doc

浅析“校园暴力行为”概念的界定 毕业论文.doc

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本科生毕业论文 题 目: 浅析“校园暴力行为”概念的界定 院 (系):____刑事司法学院___ 专 业:_____侦查学_____ 班 级:_____0626______ 学 号:____0604042022____ 姓 名:_____ ______ 指 导 教 师:_____ ______ 浅析“校园暴力行为”概念的界定 摘要 自建国以来,党和国家致力于发展教育事业,完善教育体制,高度重视国民综合素质的培养;上世纪70年代末,中国成功施行改革开放,打开社会主义建设新局面,更将教育事业发展纳入民生建设工程,以满足广大群众不断增长的文化生活需求。然而,在教育行业不断壮大与教育体系不断健全的背后,一种破坏校园和谐环境的不利因素也日益突出。 近年来,中小学甚至高等学校不断发生暴力事件,引起社会各界广泛关注。不少事件被围观人员或参与者拍摄成视频上传至网络,对社会风气造成极恶影响。 本文以“校园暴力行为”概念为研究对象,考察了校园暴力现象研究的发展、中外研究的异同,根据众多理论学说与实践经验把握研究总体方向,结合近似概念的外延内涵确定本概念的基本构成要素,于文末提出符合中国社会现状的“校园暴力行为”概念。 [关键词] “校园暴力行为” 近似概念 构成要素 概念界定 Analysis of definition of School Violence Behavior concept Abstract Since the founding of the party and the country is committed to the development of education, improve the education system attaches great importance to the comprehensive quality of the training; the late 70 century, Chinas successful implementation of reform and opening up, open up a new situation of socialist construction, but will include the development of education livelihood development projects to meet the cultural life of the masses growing demand. However, in the education sector has expanded steadily and continuously improve the education system behind a damaging harmonious campus environment has become more obvious disadvantages. In recent years, schools and even colleges and universities over the continuing violence, drew public attention. Many events are shot into the crowd personnel or participants in the video uploaded to the network, causing very bad influence on society. In this paper, school violence concept study investigated the development of school violence research, foreign study the similarities and differences, according to a number of theories and research experience to grasp the general direction of extension of the concept of combining similar content to determine the basic form of this concept elements, in the end the line with Chinas social situation presented Campus Violence Behavior. Keywo



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