浅析定格动画《一朵忧郁的男子》创作过程 毕业论文.doc

浅析定格动画《一朵忧郁的男子》创作过程 毕业论文.doc

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论文题目 浅析定格动画《一朵忧郁的男子》创作过程 学生姓名、系别: 美术系 中文摘要(300字左右) 定格动画是一种特殊的动画形式,具有独立审美的艺术形式被越来越多的人所喜爱,它具有更广阔更自由的个人发挥空间和较低的成本投入优势,更加强调个性构思和创新的拍摄手法演绎导演对事物的情感表达和思想理念,本剧传达了社会心理压力对个体的影响同时通过情绪的释放带来对普遍存在的社会舆情的思考。作为一种负情绪影响人们的认知和态度,反映的是对社会的印象、判断和评价变得不理智。剧中主人公在梦中表现出潜意识是人与自我的内心焦灼,潜意识下死亡或许能成为终止的归宿。故事本身具有的悲剧、压抑的效果不是目的而是为了给人以灰色心情后中给予人性另一面的思考。创作过程中通过设计场景、人物,运用光线、镜头的转切、声效的呼应 使成片达到了预期的效果。 关键词(3~5个): 定格动画 灰色心里 现实意义 创作过程 英文题目Stop-action animation a melancholy shallow man creation process 学生姓名、系别(英文): Department of Fine Arts 英文摘要 Freeze-frame animation is a special kind of animation, with independent aesthetic art form loved by more and more people, it has a broader and play free individuals into space and lower cost advantages, greater emphasis on individuality and innovative ideas interpretation of the directors shooting style of things and ideas emotional expression, the play conveys the social and psychological impact of stress on the individual while the release of emotions brought on by widespread social public opinion in China. As a negative mood influence peoples perception and attitude reflects the impression of the community to judge and evaluate becomes irrational. Showing the hero in a dream subconscious mind is anxious person and self, the subconscious may be able to be terminated under the death of the home. The tragedy of the story itself, the effect of depression is not a goal but to give in to the gray mood to give, after thinking the other side of human nature. Design of the creative process through the scenes, characters, use of light, turn the lens cutting, sound echo that into the film to achieve the desired results. 英文关键词Stop motion animation gray heart realistic meaning creation process 安徽师范大学皖江学院毕业论文(设计)评定意见 指导 教师 评语 成绩: 签名: 年 月 日 评语主要内容包括:学生写作态度、科研作风,论文选题的理论意义和实践价值,论据是否充分、可靠,掌握基础理论、专门知识、研究方法和技能的水平,写作的逻辑性、技巧及其他优缺点。 安徽师范大学皖江学院毕业论文(设计)评定意见 答 辩 组 评 定 意 见 成绩: 答辩



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