浅析海尔集团品牌营销的问题及对策 大学毕业论文.doc

浅析海尔集团品牌营销的问题及对策 大学毕业论文.doc

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毕 业 论 文 题 目: 浅析海尔集团品牌营销的问题及对策 院 (系): 经济与管理学院 专业年级: 08级市场营销 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2012年月日 Title: eye of Haier Group brand marketing problems and Countermeasures School (Department ) : School of economics and management Professional grade: 08 level marketing 摘 要 随着经济的发展,市场竞争机制的完善,企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,产品竞争转化为品牌竞争,品牌竞争主要集中在如何系统的支持品牌赞誉度的长久维持与品牌扩展的良性循环上。本文通过对我国青岛海尔集团的品牌营销和品牌建设进行分析和研究将其在品牌营销、品牌建设中成功运用的操作方法、问题、措施等提出归纳,以期总结出品牌营销模式下厂商提高市场占有率的策略和方法。本文一开始是引言,介绍了现阶段厂商品牌营销策略的背景意义以及论文的研究目的和框架内容,并提出了创新点;其次回顾了品牌营销与管理的相关理论概述;然后是本论文的研究对象—海尔集团简介及品牌营销现状;接着介绍了海尔集团品牌营销存在的一些问题;针对海尔集团品牌营销所存在的问题进而提出解决措施;最后是全文的结束语。 关键词:海尔集团 , 品牌营销 , 营销策略 , 问题 Abstract With the development of economy, the market competition mechanism is perfect, the competition between enterprises is becoming more and more fierce, the product competition into brand competition, brand competition is mainly focused on how the system supports the brand praise degree of long-term maintenance and brand extension of the benign loop. This article through to our country Qingdao Haier Groups brand marketing and brand building to analyze and study the brand marketing, brand building of the successful application of the method of operation, problems, measures and other authors, in order to summarize the brand marketing mode manufacturers to improve market share strategies and methods. This paper begins with a preface, an introduction to the present brand marketing strategy background meaning and purpose of this research and framework, and puts forward some innovative points; secondly, review of brand marketing and management related theory; then is the research object of this thesis, Haier Group and brand marketing present situation; then introduced Haier Group brand marketing problems; for Haier Group brand marketing t


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