浅析沈阳中山皇冠假日酒店意大利餐厅主题营销策略 毕业论文.doc

浅析沈阳中山皇冠假日酒店意大利餐厅主题营销策略 毕业论文.doc

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沈 阳 理 工 大 学 应 用 技 术 学 院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 浅析沈阳中山皇冠假日酒店意大利餐厅 主题营销策略 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 工商管理(酒店管理方向) 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2013年 5 月 20 日 摘 要 随着市场经济的发展,各行各业的竞争变得异常激烈,营销观念也从原来的以自我为中心的产品观念、生产观念和推销观念,逐渐发展成为以客户需求为主要要求的市场营销观念。餐饮业奋斗的最终目标可以概括为一句话:创造增加并保留住客源。21世纪餐饮功能不再是单一的饮食功能,消费者已经对原始餐厅简单的服务,单一的特色不在满足了,包括我们也渴望光顾一些有主题、有个性的地方就餐,丰富餐饮经营的内容,使原本具有饮食功能的餐厅,也具有社交功能,商业功能和娱乐功能,因此,建设自己的个性化餐饮文化,不仅仅是提升竞争力的表现,也是餐饮企业发展的根基,当然,我们说的“个性化餐饮文化”,不只是有特色的菜肴就可以解决的,特色产品的背后,还有很多基本功要我们修炼; 本文通过对沈阳中山皇冠假日酒店意大利餐厅的现状分析与营销策划的相关理论研究,反思星级酒店内部餐厅品牌发展的现状和问题,结合大量相关文章,制定相应的餐饮主题营销策略完善意大利餐厅的餐饮营销系统提高其品牌竞争力与认知度,为酒店创造更高的收益与价值。 关键词:酒店;餐厅;主题营销 Abstract With the development of market economy, the competition is fierce in all walks of life, marketing ideas are from the original self-centered concept of products, the production concept and marketing concept, gradually developed into customer demand as the main requirements of the marketing concept. Catering the ultimate goal of struggle can be summarized as one sentence: create increase and retain customers. 21st century catering function is no longer a single diet, consumers have the original dining-room simple service, single feature is not satisfied, including we are eager to visit some theme, character of repast, enrich the content of food and beverage management, make originally restaurant which has the function of diet, also has a social function, business function and entertainment function, therefore, to build their own personalized catering culture, not only is to improve the competitiveness of performance, is also the foundations of the development of catering enterprises, of course, we say personalized catering culture, not only can solve featured dishes that features behind, there is a lot of the basic skills to us; This article through to the Crowne Plaza of shenyang zhongshan Italian restaurant in the status quo analysis and marketing planning of relevant theoretical research, reflect o


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