青岛赛德公司淘宝网网络营销方案分析与设计 毕业论文.doc

青岛赛德公司淘宝网网络营销方案分析与设计 毕业论文.doc

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山 东 科 技 大 学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 青岛赛德公司淘宝网平台 网络营销方案分析与设计 学 院 名 称 经济管理学院 专业班级 电子商务2009级2班 学生姓名 学 号 200901060920 指 导 教 师 摘要 伴随着互联网的快速发展,电子商务也得到迅速发展,新的交易模式不断产生。商品交易平台的出现和进步使得网上店铺日益增多,并成为一种新的商业模式。近几年,B2B、B2C、C2C发展异常迅猛,利用网络进行商业活动也正逐渐成为商家们实现其营销目标的重要手段之一。在商业竞争日益激烈的今天,网络营销显得更具有必要性和现实性,开拓网络营销渠道以增强自身在新的经济发展趋势下的竞争力,又成为新一热点。 本文面向赛德公司,以商家的视角,深入探讨网络营销策略,期望达到给其他更多的商家们理论支持和实践经验。本文主要内容是在问题提出的基础上,通过理论概念以及分析,对赛德企业的内、外部环境做出SWOT分析,进行市场细分,目标市场选择以及市场定位,然后制定出网络营销的具体策略,其中包括4P策略等,以此做出本文的研究性总结以及不足。 关键词:天猫;商家;网络营销;策略 The network marketing program analysis and design of Qingdao Teeside company in the Taobao platform Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, e-commerce has also been rapid development of new trading patterns continue to produce. The emergence of commodity trading platform and progress makes growing online stores and become a new business model. In recent years, B2B, B2C, C2C extraordinarily rapid development, using the Internet for commercial activities is becoming businessmen achieve their marketing goals is one important means. In todays increasingly competitive business, online marketing becomes more necessary and realistic, pioneering online marketing channels in order to enhance their own economic development in the new trend of competitiveness has become a new hot spot. This article is for Teesside firms to businesses perspective, depth online marketing strategy, expected to achieve more businessmen to other theoretical support and practical experience. The main contents are based on the issues raised by the theoretical concepts and analysis, Oceanside enterprise internal and external environment to make a SWOT analysis, market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning, and then work out the specific network marketing strategies, including the 4P strategy, in order to make a research paper summarizes and inadequa


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