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题 目:炭窑口三号矿体硫化锌矿(20万吨/年)开采方案设计
学 号:09
专 业:采矿工程
班 级:采矿09-1班
指导教师: 摘 要
本次设计是炭窑口三号矿体硫化锌矿开采方案设计。设计生产能力为年产量20万吨, 服务年限为60年。本设计主要内容包括开拓方案的选择比较、采矿方法的设计、通风系统的设计及提升与运输系统的设计等。本矿采用下盘竖井开拓,在0~20勘探线之间设计矿块。采矿方法为浅孔留矿法,阶段高度为50米,在9个阶段平面上进行巷道布置。通风系统采用中央对角式通风,主井采用单罐笼提升,两个风井布置在矿体两翼的塌陷区外,作为安全出口。排水系统采用集中排水。此外,井筒断面尺寸、石门及巷道断面尺寸、电机车的选择、矿车的选择、提升设备的选择、通风设备的选择、排水设备的选择等相关内容也在设计中作了相关的叙述。
The design is Tanyaokou No. Ⅲ orebody of vulcanized zinc mining project design. The output of designed is annual 200,000 tons, and its life is service for 60 years. The design include some contents as follow:Comparing the choice to the program of development,design methods of extraction,designing ventilation systems and designing the hoisting and the transportion system and so on .In this mine, the development is the under footwall of the vertical shafts, and design the mine between the exploration line of 0 ~ 20. Mining method for the short-hole shrinkage method, the digging height is 50 meters, and in 9 phases layout the roadway .The ventilation system adopt the central-diagonal ventilation system, the main shaft use the single cage to hoist, and the two ventilation shafts layout in the two wings of the collapse area of the ore body as a safety exit. The drainage system adopt the integrated drainage. In addition, such the size of the shaft section, the size of the road section , the choose of the electric locomotive, the choose of the the mine car, the choose of the drawing equipment , the choose of the ventilation equipment, the choose of drain equipment are also related to the design .
Keywords: Under footwall of the vertical shafts development;
Short-hole shrinkage method;
Central-diagonal ventilation system;
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 矿区概况及地质特征 1
1.1 矿区概述 1
1.2 区域地质特征 2
1.2.1 区域地质 2
1.2.2 地层 2
1.2.3 构造 2
1.2.4 地质发展史 2
1.2.5 矿产 3
1.3 矿区地质 3
1.3.1 地层、岩性对矿床的控制作用 3
1.3.2 构造与矿床的关系 4
1.3.3 火成岩 4
1.3.4 矿床分布及其认识 5
1.4 矿
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