
探测机器人视觉随动系统的软件设计 毕业论文.doc

探测机器人视觉随动系统的软件设计 毕业论文.doc

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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 探测机器人视觉随动系统的软件设计 学 生:学 号:指导教师:专 业: 重庆大学自动化学院 二OO八年六月 The Software Design of Dynamic System of Detection Robot Undergraduate: Supervisor: Assit-Prof. Major: Automation College of Automation Chongqing University June 2008 摘 要 目前机器人越来越多的应用于非制造业,与制造业相比,其主要特点是工作环境的非结构化和不确定性,这对机器人提出了更高的要求,需要机器人具备行走功能、对外感知能力以及局部的自主规划能力等。因此,对探测移动机器人的研究正成为一个重要的热点。 探测移动机器人能够按照存储在其内部的地图信息,或根据外部环境所提供的一些引导信号(即通过对环境的实时探测所获得的信息) 规划出一条路径,在没有人工干预的情况下完成目标任务。 针对以上特点,本文设计了探测机器人的视觉随动机构,并基于DSP视觉随动。 前期工作中,主要进行器件选型、分析、选购工作,包括CCD传感器、DSP、U形架和伺服马达。以此为基础,设计出探测机器人的视觉随动机构。CCD器件的灵敏度很高 ,光谱敏感波段也很宽,把光学图像转换成电信号输出,经图象采集卡处理得到数字视频信号,DSP控制器对其进行运算、处理,产生相应PWM波,对伺服马达进行控制,带动视觉机构的旋转实现视觉系统的随动控制。 最后,通过系统调试,改进了一系列的问题,实现了对视觉传感器的很好的随动控制。 关键词:探测机器人,视觉随动系统,DSP,伺服马达,软件设计 ABSTRACT Currently there is an increasing number of robots used in non-manufacturing sector.Compared to the manufacturing sector, its main feature is the unstructured work environment and uncertainty.This put forward higher requirements on,Robots need to have the walking function, the external perception and the ability of local autonomy, such as planning capacity.Therefore, the detection of mobile robot is becoming a major hot spots. The mobile-detect robot is able to Plan a way according to the map information stored in itself or based on the external environment provided by some guidance signals and complete tasks in the absence of intervention of hunman beings. For the above characteristics, this paper will design the visual dynamic exploration of robot , and the DSP-based visual servo control of the software design. The Preparatory work is mainly for device selection, analysis, purchasing, including CCD sensors, DSP, U-shaped frame and servo motors.On this basis, designed to detect the robot with the dynamic visual body.the device of CCD has high sensitivity , the spectrum is also sensitive to a wide-band.change The optical image electrical signals output.though the processing of the image acquisition card ,digi


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