智源图书商城 毕业论文.docx

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河北xx大学xxxx毕业论文 智源图书商城 专业名称: xxxxx 班 级: xxxxx 学生姓名: xxxxx 指导老师: 完成时间:  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 摘 要 随着多媒体和网络通信技术的发展和普及,互联网日益成为收集和提供信息的最佳渠道。现在越来越多的商家在网上建起在线商店,向消费者展示出一种新颖的购物理念。 知源图书商城系统是基于php+mysql具有图书商城的常用功能的网站。本系统以构建网上书店网站为目标,使用php制作,由前台购物和后台管理两大部分组成。前台部分分为会员中心、商品购物2大部分。后台管理由管理员使用,主要包括商品管理、订单管理2部分。开发主要包括前台应用程序的开发和后台数据库的建立和维护两个方面,前者要求应用程序具有功能完备、易用等特点,后者要求建立数据的一致性和完整性,基于上述考虑本系统采用B/S模式架构。 知源网上商城是一个24小时在线的网上书店,它不需要支付昂贵的店铺租金、不需要花费浩大的装修经费、不需要24小时营业员,仅仅利用各种文字、图像、动画,就可以让客户感受到全方位的服务。 本系统尝试用PHP在网络上架构一个动态的网上书店销售系统,方便每个顾客呆在家里就能通过网上书店买到自己心仪的图书,而不必费时费力的出门购书! 关键词 网上图书销售;图书商城;PHP+MySql ? Abstract With the development of multimedia and network communication technology and popularization, the Internet has increasingly become the best channel to collect and provide information. Now more and more businesses built on the Internet online store, to consumer shows a kind of new shopping concept. Known source book shopping system is based on PHP + mysql has a book mall web site commonly used functions. This system to construct the online shop website as the goal, using PHP, is made up of shopping at the front desk and background management of two parts. Front desk part divided into the member center, 2 most goods shopping. Background management by the administrator use, mainly including commodity management, order management two parts. Mainly includes the foreground application development and the backstage database the establishment and maintenance of two aspects, the former requires the application has the characteristics of fully functional and easy to use, the requirement to establish data consistency and integrity, based on the above consideration this system adopts B/S mode structure. Known source online mall is a 24-hour online online bookstores, it does not need to pay a heavy rent for the store, dont need expensive decoration budget, dont need 24 hours shop assistant, just use a variety of text, images, animation, can let the cust



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