
中国主题酒店的创建与发展 毕业论文.doc

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湖南理工学院毕业论文 中国主题酒店的创建与管理 PAGE PAGE I 学 号 14083100720 毕业设计(论文) 题目:中国主题酒店的创建与发展 作 者 届 别 2012届 院 别 经济与管理学院 专 业 旅游管理 指导教师 职 称 副教授 完成时间 2012年5月15日 II 摘 要 近几年来,国内开始兴起主题酒店这种新的酒店经营模式,全国各地都在发展主题酒店,一时成为饭店业界的焦点,我国主题酒店虽然也取得了一些成就,但我国主题酒店人存在一些问题。本文主要对主题酒店的相关理论进行概述,然后对中国主题酒店的现状及其存在的问题进行了分析,其中本论文提出的问题主要有,主题酒店与特色酒店混为一谈,片面追求规模,过分西化,过多模仿,缺乏个性,宣传力度不够。最后提出中国主题酒店创建与发展的对策和方法,主要是强化主题定位的准确性,营造和谐的主题环境氛围,始终坚持主题酒店产品的主题化,重视文化管理,以主题文化提高酒店竞争力。 关键词:中国;主题酒店;创建;发展 Abstract In recent years, began to rise in China-themed hotel Hotel of this new business model, throughout the country are developing theme hotel, become the focus of the hotel industry, theme hotels in China although it has made some achievements, but themed hotel there are some problems in our country.This article an overview topic Hotel theory and theme hotel in Chinas present situation and existing problems of the analysis, which the main issues raised in this paper are, confused topic featured hotels and hotel, one-sided pursuit of scale, too Westernized, too much imitation, and lack of personality, publicity is not enough.Concludes with theme hotel created in China and the development of strategies and methods, mainly strengthening the theme the accuracy of positioning, create harmonious themes of environment, always adhere to the topic theme of the hotel product, cultural management, theme culture to improve competitiveness of hotel. Key words:china;theme hotel;creat;development 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc31270 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc31270 I HYPERLINK \l _Toc8428 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc8428 II HYPERLINK \l _Toc18873 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc18873 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc13288 1、问题的提出 PAGEREF _Toc13288 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc21450 2、国内外研究动态 PAGEREF _Toc21450 1 3、选题意义 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc9174 4、研究框架 PAGEREF _Toc9174 2



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