
中小企业如何吸引和留住人才 毕业论文.doc

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毕业设计(论文) 中小企业如何吸引和留住人才 How to Attract and Retain Talents for Small and Medium Enterprises 摘要 优秀的人才是中小企业生存的基础和发展的动力,然而中小企业由于自身的劣势比如规模较小,区域性强,企业不规范,家族式作风严重,领导者和员工素质较低,企业文化匮乏等,导致中小企业在吸引和留住人才方面存在很多困难,但是中小企业也不能因此而过于悲观,中小企业在吸引和留住人才方面也存在一些优势,如中小企业体制灵活、人才与领导者接触频繁、高风险激起人才的挑战性、人才之间的竞争小等。中小企业在建立吸引和留住人才的机制时,首先要会判断人才并要树立正确的人才观念,然后要着手创造良好的企业氛围吸引和留住人才,具体企业首先要从表观入手,创造优美的环境,树立领导者良好的形象,然后深入到企业的内部对领导者提出一定的要求,领导者要懂得尊才、爱才、护才,并且要竭力营造良好的文化氛围吸引和留住人才。中小企业还可以为所需要的人才提供优越的待遇如通过薪酬策略,福利策略和为人才适当配股来吸引和留住人才。此外,中小企业还可以通过向人才展示在企业的发展前景来吸引和留住需要的人才。最后,中小企业还可以通过其它的一些措施吸引和留住人才,比如提供富有挑战性的工作,提供培训的机会,建立合理的内部流动机制等。 关键词:中小企业,吸引,留住,人才 Abstract Outstanding talents are fundamental for the survival and development of small and medium enterprises,however, because of their own disadvantages such as smaller-scale, much too regional, informal ,family-style serious,leaders and staff are of low qualities,lack of corporate culture,etc.they lead to SMEs many difficulties in attracting and retaining talents,but SMEs should not be too pessimistic for it, there are also some advantages of SMEs in attracting and retaining talents, such as a flexible system, frequent touch between talents and leaders, high-risk provoking challenge of talents, competitions between talents tender and so on.When SMEs are in the establishment of a mechanism to attract and retain talents, first of all ,they should be able to distinguish a talent and establish a correct talent concept, and then proceeding to create a good corporate atmosphere to attract and retain talents, specifically,enterprises shoule start with their apparent first , creating a beautiful environment, and establishing a good image of leadship, and then deep into the enterprises internal side, making some certain demands to leaders.To talents, leaders must know how to respect them, love them and protect them, and they should also strive to create a good cultural atmosphere to attract and retain talents. SMEs can also provide superior treatments to the talents needed, such


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