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The commonly used in middle school mathematics problem solving methods and skills
姓 名: ***
学 号:
学 院: 数学与信息科学学院
专 业: 数学与应用数学
完成时间: 201 年 月 日
【关键词】中学数学 解题方法 解题技巧
The commonly used in middle school mathematics problem solving methods and skills
【Abstract】With the advancement of quality education, the study of middle school mathematics, often meet some complicated problems, if use direct solving way to answer, often will make problems become more complicated, so we put forward commonly used mathematical problem solving methods and skills, also confirmed the master mathematics problem-solving methods and skills are very necessary. In order to let the reader can understand more system middle school mathematics common problem solving methods and skills, in this paper, through theoretical elaboration and sample analysis the secondary school mathematics common problem solving methods and techniques for detailed introduction.
This article mainly introduced the distribution method, the factorization method, the change of variable method, the discriminant method and wada theorem, undetermined coefficient method, construction method, geometric transformation method.
【Key words】mathematics solution approach problem-solving skills
目 录
1 引言 1
2 中学数学常用的解题方法 1
2.1 配方法 1
2.2 因式分解法 2
2.2.1提公因式法 2
2.2.2运用公式法 2
2.2.3十字相乘法 2
2.2.4分组分解法 2
2.3 换元法 3
2.3.1局部换元 3
2.3.2三角换元 4
2.3.3均值变换 4
2.4 判别式法与韦达定理 5
2.4.1结合判别式,讨论根的符号特征 5
2.4.2构造方程,巧妙求根 6
2.5 待定系数法 6
2.5.1用待定系数法分解因式 6
2.5.2待定系数法在数列中的应用 7
2.5.3待定系数法在函数中的应用 7
2.6 构造法 8
2.6.1构造数 8
2.6.2构造函数或方程 8
2.6.3构造等式或不等式 9
2.7 几何变换法 9
2.7.1平移变换 10
2.7.2旋转变换 10
2.7.3对称变换 10
3 小结 11
参考文献 12