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國立嘉義大學 語言中心 搭上通過英檢的列車 第四章 段落寫作的類型 ? 觀念入門 列舉法Listing 列舉法是按照順序列舉出數種的方法。最常使用的方法是用數字來表示,即”first, second, third, …,last”。也可以用其它方式來表示。如下表所呈現: 首先/開始 最重要的是… 其次 第三 最後 最後但也很重要的一點是… First, / Firstly, / First of all, / To begin with, / To start with, / In the first place, S+V… Most important of all, S+V… Second / Secondly / In the second place, S+V… Third / Thirdly / In the third place, S+V… Last / Lastly / Finally / Last of all / In the last place, S+V… And last, but not least, S+V… 一則…再則… 首先,…其次,…最後, 其一,…其二,…最後的原因是… For one thing, S+V…/ For another, S+V… First, S+V…. Second / Next / Then / After that, S+V…. Third / Next / Then, S+V….Finally / Last, S+V… One reason…/ Another… / A final reason (or The last / final…) 【範文一】 成功的袐訣 (1)邁向成功的途徑很多。我想與你(2)分享一些我成功的袐訣。首先,試著保持輕鬆自在的態度。特別是在(3)處理問題時,千萬別(4)把失敗看的太嚴重。即使你(5)一再地犯錯,也別覺得(6)挫折,要從錯誤中學習。記住,如果你不犯錯,你就(7)不會有任何成就。(8)其次,要盡全力達到你所(9)設定的目標,而且對自己決定要做的事不要(10)猶豫。(11)加油吧。你可能會遭遇困難,但是(12)克服困難常會帶來最大的滿足感。因此,如果你將這些提示(13)付諸實行,你將會有(14)意想不到的成功。 The Secrets of Success The paths _(1)_ success are various. I’d like __(2)__ some of my secrets with you. First, try to keep an easygoing manner, especially when __(3)__ with problems. Never __(4)__ failure too seriously. Even if you fail time and __(5)__, don’t feel __(6)__. Learn from your mistakes. Remember, if you don’t make mistakes, you won’t __(7)__ anything. __(8)__, try your best to achieve the goals you’ve __(9)__ and never __(10)__ over what you have decided to do. Go __(11)__ it. You may encounter difficulties, but __(12)__ difficulties often brings the most satisfaction. Therefore, if you __(13)__ these hints into practice, you will succeed __(14)__ your wildest expectations. Answer Keys: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ( Word Bank 字彙銀行 1. path (n) 途徑      同義字:road/approach/key/shortcut/access 2. even if…=even though + 子句 即使 3. time and again = again and again = repeatedly = over and over again  一再地 4. achieve / attain the goal    完成目標 5. hesitate over +


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