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汉译英理论与实践教程 程永生 著 说 明 此次更新,为全部《汉译英理论与实践练习及参考答案》制作了课件,但考虑到网络空间,此处仅提供样品。 目录 第一章 汉语词语英译 第二章????现代汉语句子英译 第三章????现代汉语段落英译 第四章 汉语四大古典小说名著选段英译 第一章??????? 汉语词语英译 第一节 汉语词语与词语翻译机制 第二节 汉语成语与熟语英译 第三节 汉语人名地名英译 第四节??汉语职官体系名称与职官名称英译 第五节 汉语中带数字的词语英译 第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译 第七节 现代汉语时新词语英译 第一章 汉语词语英译 第一节 汉语词语与词语翻译机制 第二节 汉语成语与熟语英译 第三节 汉语人名地名英译 第四节??汉语职官体系名称与职官名称英译 第五节 汉语中带数字的词语英译 第六节 汉语天文、历法与节气方面的词语英译 第七节 现代汉语时新词语英译 第一节 汉语词语与词语 翻译机制 Answers to Questions 1—5 Answer to Question 1 The Chinese lexical items mainly consist of words and phrases, including idioms, set phrases, proverbs, allegorical sayings and so on. Chinese lexical items can be divided in terms of parts of speech, function and so on. In terms of parts of speech, Chinese lexical items, especially words, can be divided into nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, etc. In terms of function, Chinese lexical items can fall into ordinary words, proper words, technical terms, and so on, as well as sayings, including idioms, set phrases, proverbs, allegorical sayings, etc. Answer to Question 2 Actually any unit of a Chinese text can serve as the bearer of Chinese culture and constitutes part of the Chinese culture, but Chinese lexical items, in a sense, embody the Chinese culture more typically than others, at least seemingly more typically. For example, for years, we have introduced English sentence patterns into the Chinese language so that when we say “如果你不来,我们就不给你留位子了”,we cannot say for sure that it is a typical Chinese sentence free from any English influence, Answer to Question 2 (continued) for the English translation would be, to some extent, structurally a Chinese equivalent: If you do not come, we will not keep the seat for you. Such sentential similarities can be easily located in both languages. However, when it comes to a Chinese personal name, a Chinese place name, a name for a Chinese utensil, a nam


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